Mar 30, 2006 13:18
I watched montel today. It was a show that looked at the differences between men and women. At the end they had couple come out and talk about the struggles they have. I found the couples, if not just plain silly, then rather immature and completely naïve.
One couple seemed to be this body builder type and his wife was sort of those girls that try to be terribly spoiled and girly and only come off looking like a cow. He complained about her obsession with shoes, that she demands sex when he doesn’t want it, that she has little piles of useless shit lying around the house, that she constantly talks to her friends and mum on the phone EVERY DAY about the same things and how it's annoying. She says that he has piles too but that his aren’t important he just doesn’t want to pick stuff up. It seemed like she was a nagging little wench because she made lists for him, left him tons of messages and the like. She would have annoyed the hell out of me. Her husband, the poor guy, seems like a deer caught in the headlights of his wife’s cow-like bellowing.
The next couple was getting married soon, but they were already living together and if I heard right she was pregnant. He was a punky, leader singer or Hoobastank wannabe and she the child of a ‘strong and independent single parent’-read ‘crazy feminist psychopath’. She complained that he never listened to her, didn’t pick up after himself,-left clothes lying around and didn’t clean his dishes within a half hour of using them, etc-didn’t organize food in the pantries as she dictated they should be and wanted nothing to do with helping her with the wedding plans. Okay. A guy, usually, before living with a woman on a full time basis, lives a bachelor. Being a bachelor, most of the time, dictates that they really don’t give a lot of consideration to being organized or that terribly neat, even if they aren’t complete slobs. So a woman thinking that a man is even INTERESTED in organizing the fucking pantry by alphabetical order is a bit silly. Even sillier? That he even cares about the wedding. Shrug. Men don’t give a fuck about weddings ladies. PLEASE. Girls, if the guy you’re marrying is playing video games, watching a movie with a hot chick in it, watching sports, playing a guitar or some other instrument, or anything like that, don’t go and ask him what colour the flower arrangements on the food tables should be. They don’t fucking care. They will never fucking care. Do the goddamn wedding yourself. ‘Its my day to be a princess though!’ Goddamn it girl, you aren’t a fucking princess and never will be. You are ‘not a beautiful and unique snowflake’ okay? JEEBUS.
This is just my little rant on idiot women who don’t fucking understand that men just don’t give a fuck about their stupid girly shit.
My second rant of the day? I was watching tv the other day when I came across a show that looked at the minds of rampage killers to try and understand why they did what the did. In the introduction, the over voice of the show said something like “The rampage killers snap for no apparent reason and go on a killing spree”. I was rather annoyed that he said this for the simple fact that I think to anyone who has ever followed the stories of school shootings can see that there is an apparent reason for the shootings. Those two boys that went and shot up Columbine. NO I don’t think it was right. NO I don’t agree with what they did. NO I don’t think the kids that bullied the boys deserved to die. But I DO think those boys had a reason that seemed perfect to them. They talked about how most of the teen killers were outsiders, people with not so good social skills, etc. Of course that’s the way it is people. The angry kids that end up shooting up their school come from broken families. They are angry, unloved, ignored at home, and made fun of by every little fucking rich kid who thinks they’re the bomb. So. This is a message to all the jocks, rich kids, popular kids, good looking people, people who don’t have problems with making friends etc. that make fun of the kids who are weird to you. Look at what bullying from people like you has driven kids to. LEARN SOMETHING! People will keep snapping and killing other kids if bullying doesn’t stop.
Now I’m not saying its all their fault. I’ve made fun of plenty of people-granted they’re the popular, bitchy, skanky cheerleader type, but I’ve done it. What I’m saying is that is such a big deal to kids like that. One friend could keep them from doing something. I think the little guy just needs to have some friends so people can stay alive. Shrug.
God my brain is dead.
Why do I make rants like these? Because it distracts me from the shambles of my own life *laughs unconvincingly*