Feb 02, 2005 20:33
Erg. Life is being evil again. Curse it. People pissed at me, not feeling good, etc. etc. How angsty.
I don't feel like getting into it. It was just a bad day? Maybe? I don't know. Zoe was being a bitch, I frelling SUCK at pottery (apparently I draw on the pottery. I don't think frelling 3d) and Calculus is just getting higher and higher over my head. I think I'm going to drop it next Trimester, admit defeat, and retake it next year (like I wasn't going to retake it anyways). No one wants to walk with me, except Lyd, who is frelling AWESOME. But when we discuss Zoe...well, it makes it less fun. Yes, Zoe, I know you read this. And yes, Zoe, Lyd doesn't know what to do about you either. I'm at a loss as well. I mean, we try to be nice and give advice and try to help, and you spit in our faces and insult us. It's frelling annoying. Either hang out with us, and accept our advice, or stop asking for it.
Anyways, Russian History was okay, I didn't get in trouble or anything. It was okay. And then that stupid frelling American Lit class. I had my essay, and I participated in class, so John can't be frelling pissed at me. At least that went well, even if Jake is one of the least intelligent people I have ever met. He has the worst opinions, and he just won't frelling shut up. I hate it. I don't hate him, although sometimes I think I do. I just strongly dislike that oh-so-annoying demeanor. A BG quote comes to mind..."You are disturbing to me demeanor!"
Anyways, what really got me was Yonipoe. I know she was joking around and all (at least I hope so), but it was just annoying. She was like "I don't go to Drama anymore because of Zoe. So you can't have a show, because I am the star." And as truthful as the beginning is, and as much as I want to follow her, I can't abandon Jen or Jenn like that. So I'm sticking with it, hoping Zoe will frelling mature enough to at least deal with people and stuff she doesn't want to do (or quit. And really, who can't deal with that sort of stuff? It's so...childish), and praying that we can actually put something on.
Then came that movie. Funny movie. I think. Zoe kept putting her foot on my jacket then making me move. Or looking at me angrily. Or poking me. She wouldn't leave me alone. It was so horrible. I wish you would either leave me alone, or be at least a little less immature. Like, be Zoe and not some stupid little kid. I know you can be. It's there. I've seen it. You just won't. Graaargh.
That's all I have to say on the subject.
So, basically, life is sucky. S.O. somewhere not near here, friends being stupid and immature (just like the freshman they try OH SO HARD not to be like), classes getting to be too much, and on top of that the 'rents are getting REALLY annoying again. BUT I do have a trip to France in April to look forward to. And before that I have a ski trip into Quebec. Then over the summer I have a trip to California and Japan. So it's okay. I just have to believe that Zoe will at least be okay until the end of the year, at which point she can take the whole summer to mature (sort of like grapes in the sun. Hopefully she'll get sweeter. But not wrinkly. That would be weird) and be okay by this September. I can deal with my classes. I hope. And eventually I'll be able to see dear Auntie Em. You know who you are. ;3