Jan 02, 2014 01:12
Loose teeth and raw gums,
Eat preserved vegetables,
Curse this scurvy dog.
When the mold spreads wide,
Within the power of cheese,
Great knowledge is born.
Christmas has cometh,
The gift-flesh has been removed,
Aftermath begins.
Ripples in puddles,
Rawr I am a dinosaur,
Stomping over cars.
It can smell your fear,
Your whimpers draw it closer,
Sniffing behind you.
A great old star spawn,
Fifth dimensional being,
Smack him with a boat.
The hippie blinded me,
The sauser caused the sniffles,
Why am I homesick.
The music has changed,
I'm gonna get my ass kicked,
Oh god a boss fight.
I am on mushrooms,
Lights dance behind my eyelids,
This goo fucked your mom.
What are we watching,
Pervert bear right over there,
Dafuq just happened.
Very hard to run,
Does not fit within a sock,
A foot long penis.
In the depths of night,
It comes from beyond our ken,
Walls are no bulwark.