le sigh...

Oct 15, 2003 02:46

Tis a boring day... and yet another worthless day of my exsistance.

Why do I stress over stuff? probably because I care too much for what I do and those around me. If I could carve out my heart and be a cold emtionless wreck I would welcome it gladly. But unfortunatly, my friends, who all in all are my family keep me sane. If not for them, I would have gone crazy and killed alot of people a long time ago.

My furc family grows still larger as the institution of the twinkgate got inplimented today... it works for the most part. I have a few Vorple tiles for the floor becuse I suffered a blond moment and forgot to give LittleFox the floortiles he needed.

Some people on furc piss me off too much to really stay in a good mood around them. Expecialy those fucktards who negate the silence rule and persist to pester me with their meaninlgless wanton apologies. If these people had not pissed me off to begin with to put them on the silence rule, then i might have accepted them... but i have no sympathy for morons and fools.

"stupidity should be painful, therefore stupid people would not breed."

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