WOW what a year!

Oct 02, 2003 12:00

man i forgot i had this thing kicking around! might as well pick it back up again.

Hmm what has happened to me in the last year. well let me give you a rundown.

In that last year, i moved to oregon in hopes to get up a bit of money to move back to NY state with. at the end of december my roomie, richard fucked me over and left me with no place to live over a 2000$ web page bill he owed. He took my computer, all my roleplaying books, my renfaire garb. Personal pictures of long dead freinds, journals, the computer he build for me.. you name it. I have never been so throughgly shafted by one person in all my life.

am i angry... You bet. can I do anything about it. yep. Am i going to... No.
I learned the hard way never to trust anyone again.


since then.. i bounced between places in oregon... my sister -bless her soul- did all she could for me. but allass i ended up homless in washington after some friends of a long time shafted me up there on a place to stay as well. I fell in love... true love. not the kind that is fleeing and lifeless... and got mugged. -long story i would rather forget-

I moved in with my dad in sothern califorinia in april. And we, me and my BF have been here ever since.

It has been a long and interesting last few years.


My current projects include being a Dream Beekin on the Furcadia Graphica chat. Making dreams, and having an all about good time while waiting for work.

Its not easy but its the best i can do for now.

Anyhow tootles untill we meet again,
Love Kon.
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