DAY 1: 1st May

May 01, 2012 12:28

Hello, citizens of Kostantiniyye. Today is Wednesday, 1 May, 1850 / Çarsamba 18 Jumādā ath-Thāniya, 1266.* Your weather forecast for today is a typical May day: relatively high humidity, but no soaring temperatures. Low cloud cover and light rain in the morning clears away for a fresher, mild afternoon and a pleasant evening. High of 22C/71F, low of 15C/59F.

This day will last in game until the end of 4 May (whatever time zone you're in; we're flexible like that). You can write any post set on the 1st of May or tag into any post set on the 1st of May from now until the end of Friday 4th May.

In a while I will write a post set in the evening, which will be the party at the ambassador's mansion. Everyone is welcome to tag in. If you would like to try your hand at writing a post before you tag into the party, please feel free to do so, though it's certainly not required! The best model for understanding how threadbombs work is estdeus_innobis. There are lots of examples here. Don't worry about doing things "wrong" - the best way to learn how to RP is just to have a go. If you get stuck or confused of course either message me/torrainor write a note here on the OOC.

I will be making the default setting for this community friends only, so please ensure that you have joined the community and aren't just watching it.

Yay!! Launch day! So exciiiiiting!

* A note that is relevant in general: transliterated words out of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish can be spelled lots of different ways (as you've probably already noticed with the name "Kostantiniyye", also "Konstantiniyee", "Konstantiniyye", "Qostantiniyye") but this isn't something you should worry about too much as long as people can figure out what you're talking about!

forecast and date, !mod

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