Jul 13, 2004 20:03
So, today
wake up.. shitty mood. Need to talk to someone.. they arn't online. Okay, thats fine. cool whatever. Take the dog for a walk. That was nice. Got to go outside...
got home. Didn't do anything, sat on my ass. Still needed to talk to someone. Again, not around.
Tonight, dad comes home. In need to take to someone.. again, but yet, I still can't.
So, off I leave for a walk.. upset over a few things. Then what do i see? but something that got me upsrt even more. Great. So i run the rest of the way. Sit on a rock and think over a few things. Get off the rock and walk back the way I came... great. Not a good idea. Went over to talk to Cindy for a bit cause I really needed to talk to someone.
And then came here. Sat in my room for a little while. And came to a few conclusions. Which I will not put in here since they will only get me in trouble. Sounds good.
So i still haven't talked to whom I've needed to talk to for a while now, and from the looks of it, I won't be talking to them anytime soon.
Horrid day.
I love the word inconspicuous.
*don't apologize, hope you choke and die*