Ok, for the the first time in at least a year I had an urge to write and it seems to be this piece of crazy nonsense which is over 4,000 words! I think
easy_academy has done something to my brain... I feel my writing skills are incredibly rusty at this point but hey, maybe this will help bring the muse back from the dead. Enjoy (if possible!)
Please Don’t
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And I'm glad it had the desired effect of cheering you up after a nasty day at work - I regularly feel the same way and come home to read some Nick/Nix to pick me up.
And yeah, I'm overwhelmed that other people have actually taken the time to read this, but also worried as it's tempting me to dabble in this universe some more and the show is just so terrible, yet my love of RLiv is so strong...
Maybe I can just plot my own show alongside the real one? Though mine will of course involve lots of Nick/Donner sexytimes and less of this Lost-type conspiracy and botched vasectomy (I'm sure you heard about that) nonsense.
I'm also slightly embarassed to admit that I rewatched S5 of SATC the other day and that gave me far too many plotbunnies (though I don't think I could ever write a world that ends with Berger breaking up with Nick by post-it. Just...no). But I'm sure that's probably already been written to death. I'm a bit new to the Nick Jonas/any RLiv character circle and so have no idea what's actually out there.
But yes, basically Easy Academy has melted my brain and I seem to be spending far too much of my time mentally plotting out random scenarios where Nick Jonas and random RLiv characters hook up. This is not good!
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