I've ordered shoes. I know I shouldn't, but I had to. Fucking cheap as well... So I had to.
At work.. Been working since 09.30. Done in two hours (at 18.00), and then it's work at the cinema for three or four hours:'( Hate it when the rest of the people I'm working with are gone on a swimming cup/contest/something. Bah.
Found out that Sigur Rós is sold out in Oslo the 2nd of november, but I've managed to get a ticket from a friend. Yaaay! So now I can see them anyway, and I can take the bus to Oslo together with lapopgrinder when he's going to the airport heading for Australia:( Fuck, I'll miss you sooooo much honey:( Just a month after you I'll be there too..
Can't wait to get my New Rocks, my sweet ballerina shoes from trashy.com and my sexy clothes from Lip Service.. *Purr*