Aug 15, 2011 08:18

It figures that the first post I make in forever will be a rant.


It's happening again.

I think it's like...worse than ever before.

So I just finished Boundaries and White Tie Affair, and I picked up...let's see...there's one, two, three, four, five...

I have five new fills.

Okay, so I've only started posting two, and that means I COULD just put the other ones on the back burner...with the exception of one, because I left my flash drive at home today (with all my writing on it), so I'd have to start something new because I can't work on the other ones... I feel like none of that will make any sense to anyone who isn't me. Erp.

I'm never going to catch up and finish anything at this rate. I haven't updated Mine or Powerpuff girls in...too long... And there's also Charlie and something else I legitimately can't remember (I'm just sure I have more than three fills I'm negelcting). I have a lot of fills on hiatus (and I'm actually considering dropping them...which is something I said I'd never do...)

I really want to write this one fill, but it would be super long and really intricate and I'm afraid of ifnoring it too much...like I've been doing with everything...

And then there's Touch, which hasn't been updated in like 8 months.

And college is staring soon.

And I have a real life.

To add to it all, I feel like I complain about this all way too much and I feel bad like I'm annoying everyone on my flist/on the Skype chat. Also, I keep thinking about the day when I realize I don't want to spend all my free time writing fan fiction and I just drop everything... Which is a really depressing thought, and I don't want that day to come, but honestly I think it's inevitable....


Sorry...I'm at work and I have not much to do so I guess I'm just rambling...

writing, rant

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