So a bunch of people have these fill/fic list things. And I thought I needed one.
P.S. There's no filter on this post but all most of these are definitely RATED R.
Complete Fills:
Assertive(?) Impulse For Your Entertainment 65 Good Decisions Just a Little Curious... Liar The Honey Badger (CRACK)
Try Me Boundaries The White Tie Affair In Progress Fills:
Mine Two to Tango, Ten to Mambo*****
Hush (Lol I filled my own prompt)*****
By Ourself (Non-Shizaya Kinkmeme!)*****
出来る警備六!! "Please Don't Feed the Troll"*****
More Ways Than One*****
Charlie Opt Out Blue Lace Complete Original:
InhibitionsI'm Open to New ExperiencesTalking to StrangersWhat You Make It Untitled (Random Pwp Written for Izaya Day)
The Butterfly Effect
In Progress Original:
***** On Hiatus. Sorry!