Confession's of a 16old Azn girl

Mar 17, 2009 23:27

I wish this to be short
I wish this to be sweet
But there is no lie in what I'll say
&all I can hope is forgivenss

I'm sorry mother for being a disobidient child
For not helping enough
For being lazy
For being uncaring
For not listening to your knowing words
&of not being the perfect young lady you wished for

I'm sorry father for being such a stupid child
For not living up to your hopes
To not be the as smart as you are
For briging so much hardship and shame
&for the white hairs & crease on your brows

I'm sorry brother for being a unberable sister
I was wrong but I'm too pigheaded
For being a nuisance
For the yells and the screams
For the anger you had to endure
&for not helping you for the simplest tasks

Forgive me my friends for I am not the best friend in this World
I try my best & fail
I try to entertain you guys & only bother
For being loud and demanding
&for the days you had to endure my complaints

Forgive me Oh Lod My Father in Heaven
FOr the sins I have commited & for the ones in the futur
FOr rebelling agasint your words
For not praying enough
For drifiting away from you
The one who was there for me
For doubting Your heavenly existence
&the blasphemic words that breached my lips

Please learn to forgive my wrongs
I'll one day be better then today

pray confession

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