Jun 30, 2009 00:20
ok so im up, with nothing to do so im deciding to make a rant. i have no idea why, but im bored and pissed for no reason.... lol
so, my cousin. name with-held.
is a little dumb ass.
but some of his friends bug the living shit out of me. and so do their attitudes, and everything
they are a bunch of little wanna be thugs with no regard for anyone but themselves. they steal, they do drugs, they act all high and mighty
ok. dont act like tough shit cause you have talents that really only affect people negatively. stop wasting resources and get a life. just because you can steal doesnt make you cool. just because you do drugs doesnt make you cool. but apparently they like to think so. little wanna be thugs with no ambition for themselves, and i hope they dont go to jail, and instead just drop off the face of the world, cause if they went to jail, all they would do is use up more resources and honest tax payers' money. keep doing drugs, maybe one day you'll OD and die. cause obviously you think that doing drugs is an excuse for your life and you can keep doing them cause nothing is your fault. grow a pair and learn to deal with life, you pitiful piece of crap
ad my cousin....wtf is wrong with you? you hang out with the wrong people cause you think theyre cool, why are you so set on being a part of something, why do you have to try and fit in with the wrong crowds? youve got everything you need. your parents are wealthy, you get what you want, you have a family, you had good friends, but apparently that wasnt enough. youre just a spoiled brat, and crave attention whether it be for good or bad. you need to grow up.....
and whats the deal with teenagers these days with all their "i love you's"? call me old fashioned, but, in my opinion i think you little snot nosed peasants know nothing of what love is. all you kids have is lust, and attachment issues. you dont say "i love you" to someone youve been dating for 2 weeks.
but what do i know, i dont like most people and i cant stand relationships, and i hope to god i never get married, or have children.
most people just sit on their asses and whine all day about how unfair the world is and how you arent getting what you deserve. so you sit there and complain? wtf? honestly, if things arent working out then try something different, if youre going to try the same thing over and over, and expect different results then youre stupid and deserve to be hit by a truck. youre insane, cause thats basically its definition, doing something repeatedly expecting different results........stupid shit head.
i dont understand people's need to "fit in" i really dont. i see it as being superficial, and weak. i DONT fit in, and im perfectly fine with that. i dont have a need to be surrounded by people who like me for the wrong reasons, id rather have people hate me for me, than like me for who im not. cliche? yea i know...but its true.
~~~~ahhh the wonders of ranting.....
survival of the fittest really needs to have a stronger aspect in people's lives. if you cant survive on your own, and dont want to do anything but sit on your ass and have people pity you and take care of you, you are just wasting every body's time, effort, and the world's resources......get a life. and obvioulsy i need a life if im sitting here doing this....ahahahaha*sigh*
hm...sometimes i want to sock people in the face. especially high school kids. we'll see what college is like lol.
theres a lot more id like to rant about, but im getting too tired, and incoherency is taking over, so i'll continue this later