Nov 03, 2009 20:50
I think maybe the reason why the thought of living in a huge city (New York City, L.A., etc.) doesn't sit well with me is the ways in which those cities seem to eat you alive. Growing up in a big city like that, it becomes your whole world. Everything outside of that city is diminished, somehow, made unimportant...
Having grown up in Vegas most of my life, I can see how that happens. Vegas isn't a huge city, really. I can look across the valley and see it in its entirety from the second-story windows of my parents' house. I can't imagine living in New York City. The thought is terrifying. Living in a city like that, it would consume me. I wouldn't be me anymore. I'd be some mirrorverse me, a piece of the New Yorker Collective.
I'm a western girl at heart. I need space, and freedom. The city is oppressive.
The thought of only knowing a city as my world is horrifying. I can't live like that and be content. I want to know more - I want to travel and roam and learn as much as I can. Living in a city for so long that everything beyond its borders becomes Other... that's not acceptable. It's stifling, and just thinking about it makes me feel like I need to struggle and stretch.
I get the same feeling in small towns, to be fair.