
Dec 10, 2006 03:45

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violet_mazoku January 8 2007, 04:33:19 UTC
(Ignore that...I was misinformed XD)
Your Name: Heather
Your AIM screen name: AitenshiWP
Any RP experience?: ninjuh_houze ,konohanogakuenfew forum RP's and AIM rps

Character Name: Uzumaki Naruto!
Character's important people: Sasuke,Iruka,Konohamaru,Kakashi,Sakura
Age: (see list) 13
Year: (see list) 1st
Gender: male (or female when he uses Sexy No Jutsu)
Sexuality: Bi

Specialty jutsu: Kage bunshin no jutsu,Sexy No Jutsu,Harem No Jutsu,Rasengan,Kuchiyose no jutsu,Kawamiri,Henge no jutsu.

History: Naruto was born in a small village in Fire Country. Before his birth the villiage got word of a rampaging demon fox mere hours before it attacked their small town. This Spirit Fox, or Kyuubi no Kitsune was larger then the houses and canny, as all foxes are. It set about destroying the village,killing those who went against it with ease. The village headman was a ninja of great power and had graduated highest in his class at Konoha College. He stood up to the beast and sacrificed himself,using a suicide jutsu to seal it inside his newborn son. The child was found at the scene and many believed he was just the fox in hiding, awaiting the time they would turn their backs to take them all down again.So, Naruto was left to fend for himself. Naruto grew up as a street kid,playing tricks to gain the attention he craved- and didn't get, in the small lean-to that was his home. He stole food and books,teaching himself basic chakra and using it to cause havoc,even up to turning into a girl to fluster older men and scare the women in their baths. Only one man had ever been nice to him when he was young, the man had eaten with him and taught him to read... he was stocking and planning for the day that he would go away to see Iruka, the man he considered a brother, and become a true ninja like the village hero. He would prove his worth to the people and come back coated in glory...
He just had to follow his heart and believe.it

Personality: Naruto is hyper,ill mannered and stubborn but he means well, really! He hates antagonism and will reply in kind when he's angered or ignored ,but, if you're his friend, he's your friend for life. Although he's been through alot he is still the first one to give the benefit of the doubt even if you annoy him, and will stand up for someone he likes even though they snark at him. He can be a bit dense on social and moral matters as well as the three R's because he had to teach himself...noone else cared to.

(cont in net for RP sample because I don't know how much a post can take)


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