
Dec 31, 2006 22:41

Narrative: [finished] Closed to Kiba
Character: Kiba and Akamaru
General Setting: Still Kiba's room, Second floor hallway, out side
Summary: Kiba is rather pissed with all this noise
Warnings: Cursing?

It was really odd to him.

It was really starting to piss him off.

'Just keep thinking the noise will stop...' Kiba thought flipping onto his side. He had been sleeping, that was till all the noise began to happen.

Where did it all come from all of the sudden? Sitting up, he flipped his arms forward and looked sideways with a tired look. Akamaru was still sleeping, how?

How could you sleep will all the noise thundering around you? Honestly, if his dog was suppose to have good hearing, he was lacking it right now. Doors kept slamming shut, and opening. People were yelling, really, what was going on?

Tempted to stand up and find the source of all this sound, he turned his hands into tight knuckles. He couldn't do anything though. It's a place where teenagers of all ages freaking lived. Noise was bound to be attached to these places. Maybe he should go outside?

Yeah, that was a really good idea right now.

He walked aimlessly around his room, almost tripping over his room mates art junk, he grumbled and paused to step on one of the pictures with his foot. "Stupid ass..." He mumbled as he kept walking. Soon enough, he found his coat, and woke Akamaru up.

"Come on boy, lets go for a walk." Kiba pressed his dogs back with his hand, hoping his friend would bark and stand up. After a few minutes, Akamru was still laying there. Sleeping like he didn't even notice Kiba.

Soon though, Kiba just picked up his dog, and walked off. Kicking the door open again he walked out. "Wake up you lazy dog." Kiba kept saying, shaking Akamaru like he was holding money in his stomach.

Akamaru opened one eyes and yawned. "Finally." Kiba sighed only to have his dog halfway shut his eyes again. "You're not that tired." kiba said rubbing his dogs head. "We didn't walk that long, god, are you already getting lazy from not going out each day?" Kiba said walking by students.

As he walked down the stairs, he reached the door that lead outside. Smiling he pressed the large doors open and jumped out into the snow. Most of it had been cleared away on the paths, but out on the grass snow laid flat.

Kiba walked out shutting his eyes. The air was freezing, but it woke Akamaru up. He placed his friend on the ground and stood still. He watched his dog leap around for maybe, five minutes. Then, Akamaru stopped waiting for Kiba to take lead.

Kiba stepped forward into the snow. It was cold, making his foot almost freeze as soon as it touched the white surface. Maybe he should get some of the holes fixed at the bottom of the shoes? Nah, he didn't mind so he pushed that thought away.

Kiba walked through the snow, while his dog actually had to jump in large strides to make it through the snow piles. Kiba traced old foot steps which all lead to a mass of foot prints. Tilting his head, he stepped in the spots where snow laid shallowly.

Did a fight happen?

Sure looked like it, he glanced at the unfinished snow fort. It looked unfinished to him that means. He kicked it once then kept walking. 
Nothing interesting there. Who cares if someone got beat up? As long as it wasn't him he could care less.

As he walked, Akamaru stopped suddenly. "Come on boy..." Kiba said, sounding tired already. The cold made his face feel numb, but he'd stay outside any day.

Akamaru stood still for a bit longer then pounced at Kibas arm. His paws felt frozen in Kibas hand. Petting Akamaru, Kiba laughed. "Your paws freezin' already?" He got a sneeze from his dog, but kept walking. "I guess we'll head back. To cold for me too. Damn, lets just hope little prissy man isn't there, hm?" Kiba smirked.

The rest of the walk fell silent. It was a calm scilence of just him and his dog.  

ch: inuzuka kiba

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