In the Library; Kakashi (Closed)

Dec 26, 2006 23:30

Kakashi strolled into the library. One of his hands was tucked into his pocket and the other holding up a deceptively innocent novel to his face.

The old librarian shot a withering glare in his direction and Kakashi gave her his most winning smile. It was obviously a forced grin - and the hag knew it. Kakashi rather disliked the old bat but he was obligated to keep their relations slightly above frigid. She was the only person in the library who had enough merit to kick him out on his arse.

The library was a gargantuan place of learning. And more often then not, it was deserted. It was one of Kakashi’s favorite places to visit on the campus. He hardly ever came to actually study - being a genius (with the Sharingan no less) allowed him to absorb information like a sponge. Reading material not already on the curriculum was his secret pastime. That is, when he wasn’t busy reading his dirty smut.

Yes, the library was the perfect place for Kakashi. It was quiet and was disturbed very rarely; these characteristic made it a very comfortable place for reading his precious Icha Icha in complete tranquility. Rows and rows of dusty books gave him enough cover to hide from the ever increasing numbers of students he wanted to avoid. Besides that… most of the underclassmen were petrified of the snooty librarian. She was a great buffer against the brats.

Kakashi currently had a free period to spend. When he requested that block of time to be free, he gave his professors the impression that he had every intention of studying. After attending Konoha for several years, Kakashi thought his professors should have known better than to believe his half-assed lies.

It’s not like I need to study anyway. Kakashi found his usual corner in the far back, right around the nonfiction section. He sat himself down in a comfortable couch that he had dubbed his own. If any student happened to happen upon the library, the last place they would probably head was the stuffy nonfiction section. It was a formula that worked for Kakashi across the years.

He flipped to the next page of his book, glad to have this time all to himself.

ch: hatake kakashi, ch: yamato

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