TGIF dudes!

May 11, 2007 21:30

So today sucked.

Last night I worked for freaking hours on an essay on how Japanese americans were forced onto relocation camps in WWII. 
First, I forgot the worksheet telling important factsof what happened. So I talked to Katie on AIM and got most of them. The after hours of working on this stupid little essay, my printer won't print. Steven clicked to print some nuclear toaster essay 500 times. So after trying to work that out for half an hour, I finally just turn off the computer. After doing my other homework, I go back on the computer to write the essay out. Somehow, all the toaster esssays are not on the computer and I print my essay.

So yeah, that was good. Really frustrating, but tuned out good.

Then, there's a chipmunk in my room. A sad little bundle of fur, squeaking in the corner of my room. X3 awww Then it ran away...
Anyway, so after a mad searching party, we lost it. Think it ran out the door while we had it open. =D

Then today at school, I realized I didn't have my essay. Crap crap crap. I worked so hard on the stupid thing. All that stressing over. And guess what? Mr Pez wasn't very sympathetic to his best student. (well not best anymore, my grades have been dropping) I had to do the essay that took me hours, in 10 minutes. >.< Damn. I remembered some of it, but I still couldn't finish in time. We also had a test, which I think I did really badly on. D=

Won a pale contest at lunch. Beat Rachel even. Everyone was talking about how tan they were getting so we had ourselves a who is the palest of them all thing.

So in Bio we had to return our permission slips for our fish trip. The due date was yesterday and I actually remembered to put it in my folder last night. I'm so freakishly forgetful so it was a big deal. This week was really stressful and I just wanted it to end okay. But guess what?

My mom didn't sign the actual permission part. She did the medical information, allergies, last time I got a shot and all that useless crap... but she didn't sign the part where she said I could actually go... 0.o

When Allison pointed that out to be I went insane. This week sucked, especially today. And I was trying so hard to make it work out.
So basically I grabbed the stupid form and  banged my fist on the desk over and over yelling. So everyone's staring me because I'm always so shy all the time.

It made me feel better though. A lot better. School is school. It's not my whole life. I'll get the form signed tonight. I'll do extra credit since I know I'm doing badly in some classes. I'll catch up on Bio labs. I'll finally ask Mr Pez if I can do my DBQ during lunch. I have to stop worrying.

school life, school work, chipmunks, failing, paleness, wwii, fish, crazy, bio

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