migikata no chou ★

Dec 21, 2009 17:24

From cherri_oro
Leave me a comment saying "JE RULES MY LIFE"
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better!
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

1. Chinen ACTUALLY goes missing. What's your first reaction?
Well, actually, I think I might cry first. My poor baby just went missing. ;_____;

2. JUMP is breaking up in the BEST and 7. Pick ONE and WHY.
Pick one of the two? Uhm…this is hard. I’m going to go with 7 though, just because I’m insanely attached to Yuuto and Ryosuke and not having them would be the equivalent of ripping my heart out and let it be devoured by hyenas as I watch. Or Mirai kissing someone not Ryosuke. SAME SHIZZ.

3. JE and H!P decide to MERGE. Reaction/Comments?
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I’ve been waiting for this day to come. Johnny and Tsunku are both insane, so you can just imagine what hellishly awesome group they come up with that is so brilliant it blinds everyone within a four mile radius. And then. I can have my AIYUU. After that Momochii can take over the world. Meh.

4. YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! The first thing that you save is....?
My laptop. Can’t live without it.

5. Who out of HSJ would you take with you to a desolate island? XD
I realize Yamada would probably be really pathetic if we’re going to a desolate island, on assumption we’re stranded there. If not, sure I’ll take him. ;D It would be awe-inspiring.
If I were actually stranded though, I would like to have Inoo. He’s smart, amirite?

orz what is this?, fandom: hello! project, fandom: hey! say! jump, journal: meme

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