May 19, 2009 18:51
KonnyakuHonyaku will be on a month-long pause beginning tomorrow.
Soto is going to California for a week to play with her mind twin at Fanime Con in San Jose (if you're there and see a 5 foot Nataku wandering with a 6 foot maybe Gojyo, say hi! that's us). And then Soto'll be in Japan until 23 June buying everything Saiyuki she sees at a performing arts workshop. I'm bringing a bunch of stuff to translate during the plane rides, so I'll be back by July with a lot of translations! hopefully XD
I know I've still got a bunch of stuff on the List of Stuff to be Translated, but if there's something you've got that you want me to work on, leave me a comment and I'll get back to you... in a month (^_^;;) So maybe not then, huh?
This has been a Pause Notice, brought to you by Soto. See you again at the end of June!