Added a Tohzuki Suzuya (normal-attire) from Starry Sky ~in Spring~ pic on the left, and I am liking it quite a lot...
Speech bubble at the top of his head taken from
I feel like making a 1% Friends-locked banner just for fun. Also because it would be easier to credit that deviantart person who made the speech bubble. ^^;
I've yet to complete Starry Sky ~in Spring~ yet, but I feel that Suzuya would be my favourite of the whole series. :D ('Cause he's close to the my ideal guy. >_<)
And no lah, I still like Date. He's my favourite guy in the virtual world while a real-life Suzuya would be really nice (same as how a real Kokutou Mikiya would). :) Imagining a real-life Date is crazy, haha. He'll probably go, "ARE YOU READY!?" and speak loads of Engrish. XD
P.S. Thank you, Asou for noticing that I talk about Date a lot. :)
Extra info: I like guys with hoodies.
Edit: Okay, so I removed
him because I forgot about the sidebar. It looks a bit weird/cacat with him there, blocked by the sidebar when you're reading the first post. Well, that only happens with a non-wide-screen monitor, but still.