My com...spoiled. Well, not really the whole thing, but part of it. Eldest bro said it might've been because of the graphic card which got fried due to over-using it. I am just glad that it's most likely not because of my hard-drives, since...they have my visual novels inside, including my half-written short-story. :(. IF the hard-drives were to die...I think my writing muse would go to the grave with it. :(
I also want to thank both Trisha and Cath for being so understanding. XD. The comments will still have to wait though...since I have some posts which are not done yet and that short-story is incomplete. Somehow the unwritten posts have became a burden, since I can't really do things without thinking about them now. >.>
Oh, and I am currently staying back from school because of a cold. XD.