So, to the reason of why I was happy with just walking with
that guy, I guess after some thought, I've finally figured out the answer.
The thing is, I think I like him a bit, but it's still too small to be counted as a crush to me, heh. And that just makes 18% of the reason why. Another 16% would be because my walking-back-with-a-boy-from-school dream came true, and lastly was because
Having a life like that, it certainly is nice.
I know relationships (the lurv ones) aren't all covered with icing sugar, I know not all moments would be rosy, but I also know that the happy moments with that someone special can be a total blast, and so, experiencing something close to that is nice. ^_^. That's 59% of the reason of why I was happy, hehe.
Aside from that, on Monday, the next school-day after that time where I walked back with him, I guess I was dreaming too much and thought that he would somehow be walking with that same group of friends again, that we'll eventually end up walking together again and the whole cycle would repeat itself, despite me knowing that he uses the shortcut to his home more often than the route I usually take. Despite knowing that, I hoped. And of course, that hope got shattered, ahaha. But well, it was not all that big of an effect, but it gave me some time to ponder about it, and that if we actually ended up walking together everyday, where would it lead to, and how would it end? I guess some things, though they appear as something which makes you unhappy, has its own longer-lasting positive effect. That's what people call, a blessing in disguise, yes? XD
*whispers* And to those of you who have counted and realised that there's still 7% more, that's because he's kinda good-looking, LOL. XP
「Kotobuki Kona」 x 「Kokutou Mikiya」
[yar, "Kotobuki" is the family name I chose for my "Kona" nickname. XD]