Feb 08, 2009 00:35
Today wasn't a really good day. It was a really bad day for Panther and it was an emo day for me. I woke up today, feeling particularly emo, because the first thing I thought was something with no hope in, and the day carried on as normally as it is, and later something so-so happened, but since today is an emo day...I got more emo. Then that was the time where I discovered of what happened to Panther...and I became emoer...I am usually like this. When sad/bad things happen to people, I don't know what to do and I'll just keep quiet and try my best to comfort the person with the least words possible, in case I touch on something sensitive (and I'll become emo later on). Well, for now, I just hope God and time will heal everything, even the non-Christians. He loves them and Christians all the same, because they are His children, so, I am going to pray later tonight for a lot of things.
I was and am listening to emo songs (well, my player is filled with almost 100% of emo songs), and later I played Quake 3, to see if it helps my emo-ness, but it didn't, heh. I think it only works when I am angry at someone or something, so...oh well, I think after some sleep, it'll lessen the amount, but I have a feeling I'll still be emo...
mood: saddened,