One of the Shocks of My Life

May 15, 2008 17:13

Hello! Haha. Judging on the title, it just sucks you in to read it, right? But, I am not sure whether this does interest you....anyways, it was shocking for me! Really! It all started with a recommendation from a friend. At school, we all were all chatting and talking to each other in the time of recess. Then came one of my friend who recommended something. If I remember correctly, it was some-sort out of topic. Something like it jumped out of nowhere. To note, this conversation took place about 1-2 weeks ago. ^-^.
Her words went something like this:

Rachel: There's this very nice ice-cream stall. Newly opened near Spectrum (a shopping complex). It's just RM1, whereas McDonald's is 5 cents more. In one of the entrance.

Yep. Recommending an ice-cream stall. First of all, something bothered me in someway about the way she was telling me. Her face......yeah, it felt somewhat weird. A facade blocking a black shadow. Yeah, like that, hehe. ^-^. Also, it felt kinda weird of her recommending an ice-cream. Well, it's fun having conversations like that with girlfriends, but, she isn't really the type who would recommend something. Unless it has something to do stuff, but, not ice-creams, haha. Maybe some times, or is it because of her face which was bothering me? Who knows except God? Hahahaha.

So, yeah. Coming back to the current date, I wanted a sling bag. I've been asking my father to buy me one, or to take me to a shop around Spectrum because, a sling bag can keep more books rather than  the bag I am currently using for my exams. Also, I am planning to take it to the coming Church Camp! Woohoo! ^o^.
Ehem, yeah, back to the topic, I went there and bought a bag. Super plain, but lovely~ I love plain~ So, yeah, it has a Nike sign there, and just that, with the whole bag of white. ^-^. (I love white too!).

After buying the bag, we both (me and me dad) went in to Spectrum to check out the DVDs. I was planning to buy Death Note's L Change the World, but to no avail, it hasn't came out yet. ;_;. I am not really into movies, so, yeah, I don't know when is the releasing date and all those stuff.

Yeah, so I was like telling my father that there's this ice-cream shop Rachel recommended. Before going out of Spectrum,

Me: Daddy, can we buy some ice-cream?

Hahahaha, yeah! So, we bought some! Wait wait! Here comes the part~
We were venturing our ways to the ice-cream stall we saw when we came in, and, there was this voice which came out from behind the machine.

That somebody: Oh, Brother Yap!

I was shocked to hear that, or maybe, not that shocked. I was just thinking. "Oh, maybe a church member came and bought some ice-cream?". It turned out that it was partially true. Yes, PARTIALLY. When the machine was out of the way, CHANG CHANG! I saw Auntie Stephanie! And, who's Auntie Stephanie, you ask? Rachel's Mom! All the lines were connecting! Rachel recommended me her mother's shop, and of her face being funny that day, hahahahaha! ^o^.
This whole thing was just shocking. I don't know why, but, shocking. I chose the cone rather than the cup(which has more ice-cream) because I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE the ending part! You know, I will blow, (yes, literally blow~) the ice-cream down to the end of the cone. More like pushing hard with air. (Overlapping my mouth over the top, and blowing hard). So, chocolate was the flavour. My father later bought 2 ice-creams in the cup. Both of different flavours: vanilla and chocolate. Oh man, I wish I could have the flavoured toppings Auntie added onto it. Chocolate and Strawberry!!!! Gah! Oh wells, I still got my cone, muhihahahaha! ^o^

Yep, that day was shocking. Upon reaching my house, I told my brother about that incident. For the slightest bit, he didn't even give me an amused face....>.> . Blank. Yep, blank. Then, I called Rachel up. Haha, I was almost laughing all the way. ^_~.

The ice-cream was nice. RM1 too, hehehe. :3


mood: joyous, food, places, friends, life

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