Mar 01, 2007 16:00
A Creative and Practical Problem Solver
List and explain four ways in which you might analyze and clarify information when engaged in critical thinking.
Think about the way you see the world. How do you view it and why? What is your perspective on some of life’s greater questions: who are we, why are we here, and what is the meaning of life? What kinds of assumptions are behind your perspectives? Play devil’s advocate; how can you challenge assumptions?
How do critical, creative, and practical thinking works together to develop skills that will help you solve problems and make decisions?
What is your most developed thinking skill? What is your least developed? How can you improve your least developed thinking skill?
What is the difference between problem solving and decision making?
The human brain is an incredible information holding center. A Brain is like a huge computer that is full of information waves that are endless. Everyday since the day that we are born, we take everything in. We learn everything from eating to sleeping, washing to playing with toys that are simple, not complex. To the mind it can be one million different things. How do you see the world? I see it as a big place full of knowledge and a million different things are going on each second. People are everywhere doing everything. In the world today, to succeed, being a creative and practical problem solver is useful. A creative and practical problem solver is one who demonstrates ability to observe situations objectively to clearly and accurately define problems. Then goes on to demonstrate the ability to solve problems by identifying patterns, trends, and relationships. After this process, one that is a creative and practical problem solver must be able to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the solution that was chosen to solve the problem. Therefore, making one a creative and practical problem solver.
I believe that I am a creative and practical problem solver because of the following reasons given. I analyze and clarify information when I am engaged in critical thinking. When finding out a problem I first find out all the information that there is to know about that problem. Then I get rid of the possible things that are not needed to find the problem.
One problem is who are we? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? These are all questions that everyone asked but they are too big of questions for one to answer. It is unknown. The unknown is the human minds greatest challenger. Earth is earth to us. There is a universe, but is it really? It is too big to see the end of it. It is infinity, never ending as far as human kind knows. That was an example of creative thinking. Problem solving is the next step to that. Solving the end of the universe. Who knows if we will ever see the end of the universe. Ones ability to demonstrate ability to solve problems is another step to being a creative and practical problem solver. In math class, problems are given to students, and we are expected to identify the problem, and determine the analysis strategies. Then we write the problems out and try to get them right. In math, there is only one answer though. In situations such as relationships and choices of life that have to be made.
I have made a lot of hard decisions in my life. At my last job, at the Sacopee Valley House of Pizza, there were a lot of serious problems. I had to train a lot of people that were hired and fired within a month’s time. I was the only girl who had been there for 3 or more years. Some problems with that is that I wasn’t an authority figure, and the new workers didn’t listen to me all that well. That led to other problems with them not knowing what they were doing but thinking that they knew what they were doing. So I had to make a decision to tell the owner that this worker did a good job listening, and doing what she/he was told to do in a manner of which the owner wanted it to be done. If the worker was not accomplishing what they needed to be accomplishing by the end of the month, then I had to tell them the results of my training, and then their outcome was made by the owner’s decision. Finding the problem was the hardest part.