Sep 26, 2005 09:10
Don't you hate it when you haven't updated in forever and by the time you get around to actually doing it you don't know where to begin? That's how I feel right about now. The only times I ever get around to update is either toward the beginning of a new semester or at the end of one. Sad, I know. Well, technically right now it's almost the middle of the semester so I guess I'm good to go. haha Anyway, let me think of what I can update everyone on without boring you to death...(I am soooo not that interesting, I guess that's why I never update)...
I must say, this school year has already been a lot more hectic than usual, but if I could change that I'm not so sure that I would. As much as I know how stressed out I get, at the same time I hate being bored. Don't get me wrong, relaxing for an afternoon is awesome, but if it were everyday I think I would go crazy. School is going somewhat ok; classes are definitely becoming harder and I really need to hunker down and study more, but I'm starting to feel pretty burnt out with school. It's not that I don't care about grades or class, but I think I've finally gotten over the fact that I don't need a perfect gpa to do well in my future profession. Is that bad, or should I continue to barate myself whenever I get anything lower than an A/B? I don't know, I feel horrible for lowering my standards but I'm also sick of putting so much pressure on myself. Ugh. Anyway, band is going well, just ready for a freakin' off weekend already. Whoever scheduled five home games in a row really needs to reconsider that for next year. Four is maybe ok, but five, um no. haha At least for two of the games we had easy shows, so I can't complain too much. The upcoming off weekend is going to be glorious; I'm so ready to go home and see my family (and hopefully some friends as well). I just hate having to drive 7-8 hours to get home; consider yourself lucky if you have anything less than 5 hours to drive when going home. :)
Random Question: Does anyone know of someone that may have an extra Ole Miss student ticket? I know Darren is looking for me (thank Darren!), but if you know of anyone else that may still have one, I have a friend that will be more than willing to buy it from them. Thanks so much!!!
Well, gotta head to class. Should have updated on more, relevant, happy topics but that will just have to wait for later. Sorry for the somewhat whinny (sp?) entry. Hope you all have a wonderful day!