Чем больше погружаемся вглубь изучения проблемы топливных элементов, только для того, чтобы потом просто ввозить в Россию и торговать с потребителями, тем больше берёт оторопь.
Вот в чем дело.
Наш-то решил, что Сколково сделают вексельберги и инновации польются как понос из рога изобилия.
А вот теперь разница в подходах.
Дело даже не в силиконовой долине в США, она не закрывала единицы процентов со всего поля инноваций.
Мы за последнее время, посмотрев Annual Survey за последние 10 лет, увидели инвестиционный навес на проблему альтернативной энергетики, только в сегменте fuel sell .
Ужасные контрасты. Это даже не сравнится с сотней сколковских резерваций.
Конкретно, под катом перечень университетов, работающих по исследованиям данной тематики.
Colleges and Universities with Fuel Cell and Hydrogen-Specific Courses or Research Programs
United States Around the World For a listing of Technical Training programs, including Fuel Cell Technician Associate Degree and certificate programs, click
Where no specific courses are listed, school offers variety of engineering, chemistry, and physics courses that can be valuable to the fuel cell and hydrogen industry. Many schools have research programs that concentrate on various areas within these industries.
United States
Click on your state to find a college or university offering fuel cells and/or research courses. OR scan the comprehensive list
Where no specific courses are listed, the school offers a variety of engineering, chemistry, and physics courses that can be valuable to the fuel cell industry.
Arizona State University - Mesa, Arizona
Department: College of Technical and Applied Science, Engineering Technology Department
What's Offered: MET/EET 494/598 ST: Fuel Cells Applied Science & Engineering, . MET 435: Alternate Energy Sources, MET 494/598: Special Topics: Fuel Cells, ETM 426/526 Current Issues: Environmental Sustainability, Alternative Energy Technology (ALT) programs (both BS and MS) - ALT501: Advanced Alternative Energy Technologies, ALT502: Batteries for Portable Electronics, ALT503: Fuel Cells for Portable Electronics, ALT505: Power Conditioning, ALT506: Fuel Cell Integration and Packaging, ALT507: Evaluation of Photovoltaic and FC Systems, ALT535: Applied Photovoltaics, ALT545: Automotive and Stationary Fuel Cells.
http://technology.asu.edu/engrtech California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Pasadena, California
Department: Center for the Science & Engineering of Materials
What's Offered: Research
www.csem.caltech.edu/index.html California State University, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Department: College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology
What's Offered: Power, Energy and Transportation Program courses (all lecture/lab): TECH 478A Emerging Technologies: Fuel Cell Applications; TECH 478B Emerging Technologies: Wind and Solar Power; TECH 470 Electric, Hybrid and Alt. Fueled Vehicles; TECH 476 Electronic and Computer Control Systems; TECH 474 Power Generation, Distribution and Utilization; Mechanical Engineering: ME 554 Fuel Cell Systems (graduate); ME 454 Renewable Energy and Sustainability (includes topics of H2 as fuel)
www.calstatela.edu/academic/ecst/ Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, Ohio
Department: Ernest B. Yeager Center, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.case.cwru.edu Clemson University - Clemson, South Carolina
Department: Chemistry, Clemson Center for Electrochemical Research
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.clemson.edu/creagergroup/ Colorado School of Mines - Golden, Colorado
Department: Colorado Fuel Cell Center, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
What's Offered: Research, EGES 569 / ChEN 569 / MTGN 569 - Fuel Cell Science and Technology; EGES 582 - Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation; EGES 584
www.coloradofuelcellcenter.org Columbia University - New York, New York
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
What's Offered: Research, CHEE E4050x: Principles of Industrial Electrochemistry, CHEN 4050: Industrial Applications of Electrochemistry, CHEN E4205: Electrochemical Energy Systems, CHEN E4252: Introduction to Surface and Colloid Science, CHEN E6050y: Advanced Electrochemistry, MECE E4211: Energy Sources and Conversion, MSAE 3103: Elements of Materials Science
www.me.columbia.edu/ Cornell University - Ithaca, New York
Department: Chemistry & Chemical Biology / Materials Science & Engineering
What's Offered: Cornell Fuel Cell Institute
http://abruna.chem.cornell.edu/cfci/ Duke University - Durham, North Carolina
Department: The Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences; the Fuqua School of Business, Pratt School of Engineering and the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy are working with GM on a multi-year, interdisciplinary teaching and research project.
What's Offered: Research, Masters of Environmental Management (MEM) program (Fall 2004), Interdisciplinary Issues in Introducing Radical Technological Change in the Established Business (graduate course)
www.fuqua.duke.edu/index_40.html Georgetown University - Washington, D.C.
Department: Advanced Vehicle Department
What's Offered: Research
http://fuelcellbus.georgetown.edu Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
Department: Center for Innovative Fuel Cell & Battery Technologies
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.gtri.gatech.edu Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts
Department: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs - Energy Technology Innovation Project (ETIP)
What's Offered: Research, KSG ENR-302 Energy Policy: Technologies, Systems and Markets
http://bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/research.cfm?program=ENRP&pb_id=49&gma=11&gmi=30 Hocking College - Nelsonville, Ohio
Department: Alternative Energy and Fuel Cell Training Center
What's Offered: Degree in Fuel Cells and Alternative Energy (multiple courses), Research
www.hocking.edu/academics/schools/industrial_technology/fuel_cells_and_alternative_energy/index.htm Hofstra University - Hempstead, New York
Department: Department of Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.hofstra.edu/Academics/HCLAS/Engineering/index_Engineering.cfm Hunter College (City College of New York - CUNY) - New York, New York
Department: Department of Physics
What's Offered: Research, HONS 301.31 - Energy & the Environment
www.ph.hunter.cuny.edu/ Humboldt State University - Arcata, California
Departments: Schatz Energy Research Center, Environmental Resources Engineering Department
What's Offered: Thermodynamics and Energy Systems I (ENGR 331), Thermodynamics and Energy Systems II (ENGR 471), Renewable Energy Power Systems (ENGR 475), Solar Thermal Engineering (ENGR 477), Building Energy Analysis (ENGR 473), Energy, Environment, & Society (ENGR 532), and Energy & Climate Change (ENGR 533) - Graduate fellowships and paid undergraduate research opportunities in fuel cells and other clean energy technologies at SERC
http://www.humboldt.edu/~ere_dept/ Illinois Institute of Technology - Chicago, Illinois
Department: Center for Electrochemical Science & Engineering (CESE), Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
What's Offered: Research, CHE 465: Electrochemical Energy Conversion, CHE 565: Electrochemical Engineering
http://www.chee.iit.edu/ Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa
Department: Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.ccee.iastate.edu/index.htm Kansas State University - Manhattan, Kansas
Department: Engineering Extension, Pollution Prevention Institute
What's Offered: Research
www.engext.ksu.edu/ Kettering University - Flint, Michigan
Department: Mechanical Engineering, Fuel Cell Laboratory
What's Offered: Research, Alternative Fuels Program, Mechanical Engineering Representative Degree Program with a Fuel Cell Minor, Electrical Engineering Representative Degree Program with a Fuel Cell Minor (beginning Fall 2004), CHEM-337 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry, CHEM-338 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Lab, MECH-325 Intro. To Energy Systems, BUSN-571 Alt. Energy Business Development, MECH-526 Fuel Cell Science and Engineering
www.kettering.edu/~altfuel/fcmain.htm Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts
Department: Sloan Automotive Lab & MIT Energy Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory
What's Offered: Research, Applications of Technology in Energy and the Environment, Alternate Energy Sources, Graduate Course: 2.625 Electrochemical Systems: Fundamentals, Materials and Applications
http://web.mit.edu/eel/ Michigan Technological University - Houghton, Michigan
Department: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, School of Technology
What's Offered: Enterprise Project Work Courses, Elective Courses, Teaching Modules Research, Interdisciplinary Minor in Hydrogen Technology (beginning May 2009)
http://www.chem.mtu.edu/~jmkeith/fuel_cell_curriculum Montana State University - Bozeman, Montana
Department: Department of Physics, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, High Temperature Electrochemistry Center (HiTEC)
What's Offered: Variety of courses, research, and seminars focusing on both materials and system controls
www.montana.edu New Mexico State - Las Cruces, New Mexico
Department: Chemical Engineering
What's Offered: Research, WERC 500 Fuel Cell Fundamentals, MAN 375G
Global Environmental Assessment and Management
http://chemeng.nmsu.edu/ Northeastern University - Boston, Massachusetts
Department: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
What's Offered: Research, CHM U151, CHM 3514 Electroanalytical Chemistry
www.chem.neu.edu/web/ Northwestern University - Evanston, Illinois
Department: Department of Materials Science
What's Offered: Research
www.northwestern.edu/ North Carolina State University - Raleigh, North Carolina
Department: NC State Solar Center, Applied Energy Research Lab
What's Offered: Research
www.mae.ncsu.edu/Centers/aerl/ Ohio University - Athens, Ohio
Department: Russ College of Engineering and Technology
What's Offered: Ohio Coal Research Center, Research
www.ohio.edu/engineering Pennsylvania State University - University Park, Pennsylvania
Department: The Energy Institute
What's Offered: Undergraduate Course Offered, Research
www.energy.psu.edu Pittsburg State University - Pittsburg, Kansas
Department: Department of Engineering Technology - Plastic Engineering Technology Program
What's Offered: Research, ETECH 880 Advanced Engineering Materials, ETECH 795/895 Energy & Materials Management, MECET 682 Heat Transfer, PHYSICS 514 Thermodynamics
www.pittstate.edu/etech/ Princeton University - Princeton, New Jersey
Department: Dept. of Chemistry, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Environmental Institute (Energy Group).
What's Offered: Research, MAE 554 Special Topics in Energy and Environment, MAE 319 Topics in Energy Conversion: Renewable Energy Technology, MAE 554 Special Topics in Energy and Environment: The Greenhouse Problem and Hydrogen Energy Systems
www.princeton.edu/~energy/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Troy, New York
Department: Materials Science & Engineering
What's Offered: Research, Introduction to Fuel Cells, Fuel Cell Systems Engineering, Fuel Cell Manufacturing, New Venture Creation
www.rpi.edu/fuelcell/, NSF IGERT Fuel Cell Website:
http://fuelcell-igert.rpi.edu/ Rice University - Houston, Texas
Department: George R. Brown School of Engineering
What's Offered: Research
http://engr.rice.edu Rochester Institute of Technology - Rochester, New York
Department: Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies (CIMS), Department of Mechanical Engineering
What's Offered: Research, Advanced Fuel Cell Research Laboratory, 0304-710 Fuel Cell Technology, Fundamentals of Fuel Cell System and Component Design (short course offered each Fall)
www.rit.edu/~mecheng0/ Rutgers University - Piscataway, New Jersey
Department: Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (CAIT), Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.cait.rutgers.edu/ San Diego Miramar College - San Diego, California
Department: Advanced Transportation Technologies
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.transportationtech.com St. Philip's College - San Antonio
Department: Office of Alternative Energy
What's Offered: Courses, Continuing Education (Fuel Cells and Renewable Energy), Associate Degree in Fuel Cell Technology (coming Fall 2005)
www.accd.edu/spc/ Stark State College of Technology - North Canton, Ohio
Department: Fuel Cell Prototyping Center (expanding with partner Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems), Mechanical Engineering
What's Offered: Fuel Cell Technology Courses leading to a two year degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Fuel Cell Technology Option, MET229 Introduction to Alternative Energy and Fuel Cells, MET230 Analysis and Applications of Types of Fuel Cells, MET231 Fuel Cell Systems. Ohio Board of Regents one year certificate in Fuel Cells and fuel cell certificate of competency
https://www.starkstate.edu/academics/engineering/fuelcell.htm State University of New York (SUNY), Albany - Albany, New York
Department: Institute for Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Center for Advanced Thin Film Technology
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.albany.edu State University of New York (SUNY), College of Environment Science and Forestry - Syracuse, New York
Department: Department of Chemistry, Polymer Research Institute
What's Offered: Research, Fuel Cell Technology Lab
www.esf.edu/chemistry/ State University of New York (SUNY), College of Technology at Farmingdale - Farmingdale , New York
Department: School of Engineering Technologies - Institute for Research and Technology Transfer (IRTT)
What's Offered: MET 410 Senior Projects, Hydrogen and Methanol Fuel Cell Research and Development
http://info.lu.farmingdale.edu/~irtt/fuelcell.html Suffolk University - Boston, Massachusetts
Department: Environmental Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.suffolk.edu Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas
Department: Fuel Cell Power Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center for Electrochemical Systems and Hydrogen Research
What's Offered: Research
www.tamu.edu Texas State Technical College Waco - Waco, Texas
Department: Electrical/Computerized Control Systems & Robotics
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Associate of Applied Science Degree in Fuel Cell Technology (72 credits)
www.waco.tstc.edu Tufts University - Medford, Massachusetts
Department: School of Engineering
What's Offered: Research, course in Fuel Cell Technology
http://engineering.tufts.edu/ Tulane University - New Orleans, Louisiana
Department: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
What's Offered: Research, 691 Principles of Electrochemical Engineering
www.tulane.edu/%7Eceng/ University of Arizona - Tucson, Arizona
Department: Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
What's Offered: AME 446/546 "Fuel Cell Fundamentals and Design
www.ame.arizona.edu/ University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, California
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Haas School of Business, Department of Environmental Science and Policy Management, Department of Chemistry, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), works very closely wtih Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
What's Offered: Research, courses, MSE22: Fuel Cells, Batteries, and Chemical Sensors: Principles, Processes, Materials, and Technology, certificates, programs
http://energy.berkeley.edu/ University of California, Davis - Davis, California
Department: Institute of Transportation Studies, Fuel Cell Vehicle Center
What's Offered: Research, Fuel Cell Vehicle Program, Transportation and the Hydrogen Economy: Pathways and Strategies
http://hydrogen.its.ucdavis.edu/ University of California, Irvine - Irvine, California
Department: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
What's Offered: Research, MAE 110: Combustion and Fuel Cell Systems, MAE 115: Applied Engineering Thermodynamics, MAE 117: Solar and Renewable Energy Systems, MAE 214: Fuel Cell Fundamentals and Technology, MAE 260: Current Issues Related to Tropospheric and Stratospheric Processes
www.nfcrc.uci.edu University of California, Riverside - Riverside, California
Department: College of Engineering, CE-CERT (Center for Environmental Research and Technology)
What's Offered: Research, CEE 261 Special Topics in Zeolite, Fuel Cells, and Nanostructured Materials
www.cert.ucr.edu University of California, Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara, California
Department: Materials
What’s offered: MATRL 288M: Hydrogen in Materials
www.mrl.ucsb.edu/~vandewalle University of Central Florida - Cocoa, Florida
Department: Florida Solar Energy Center
What's Offered: Research, Annual Short Course in Fuel Cell Technology, a new Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (HFCT) concentration is being developed within the Engineering Technology program
www.fsec.ucf.edu,www.ent.ucf.edu University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio
Department: Dept. of Chemical Engineering
What's Offered: Research, 15EVST103. Environmental Science III, 20 CEE 345 Environmental Material Balances.
www.uc.edu University of Connecticut - Storrs, Connecticut
Department: Dept. of Chemical Engineering Fuel Cell Research Group , Connecticut Global Fuel Cell Center
What's Offered: Research, ME 295/320: Fuel Cell Engineering
http://www.ctfuelcell.uconn.edu/ University of Delaware - Newark, Delaware
Department: Mechanical Engineering, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy
What's Offered: Research, MEEG467-012 Intro. to Fuel Cells, Readings in Energy Economics (tutorial), Topics in Sustainable Energy Development (tutorial)
http://ceep.udel.edu/ceep.html University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida
Department: University of Florida-U.S. Department of Energy - High Temperature Electrochemistry Center, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department, NASA Hydrogen Research Program
What's Offered: Research
http://www.mae.ufl.edu/Energy/index_wrk.php University of Hawai‘i at Manoa - Honolulu, Hawai‘i
Department: Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology; Hawai‘i Fuel Cell Testing Laboratory and Electrochemical Power Systems Laboratory
What's Offered: Research and Fuel Cell Testing
www.hnei.hawaii.edu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign- Urbana, Illinois
Department: Aerospace Engineering - Fuel Cell Lab, Office of Technology Management, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry
What's Offered: Research
www.uiuc.edu University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas
Department: Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
What's Offered: One Course, Research
www.cpe.engr.ku.edu University of Miami - Coral Gables, Florida
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clean Energy Research Institute
What's Offered: Research
www.eng.miami.edu University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
What's Offered: Research
http://me.engin.umich.edu University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Corrosion Research Center
What's Offered: Research, Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering or Chemical Engineering.
www.cems.umn.edu/ University of Missouri, Rolla - Rolla, Missouri
Department: Dept. of Ceramic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering & Chemistry
What's Offered: Research
http://soe.umr.edu University of Montana - Missoula, Montana
Department: College of Technology
What's Offered: Two year Associate of Applied Science degree in Energy Technology (includes various courses, including EE295T-53: Special Topics: Fuel Cells)
www.cte.umt.edu/programs/appliedtech/energytech.htm University of Nevada Las Vegas - Las Vegas, Nevada
Department: Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Harry Reid Center
What's Offered: Research
hrc.nevada.edu University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Department: Center for Micro-Engineered Materials
What's Offered: Research
www.unm.edu/ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Department: Department of Chemistry
What's Offered: Research
www.chem.unc.edu University of North Dakota - Grand Forks, North Dakota
Department: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)'s National Center for Hydrogen Technology
What's Offered: Research
www.undeerc.org/aboutus/default.aspx University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Working Group@Penn
What's Offered: Research, Courses, MEAM 402: Energy Engineering
www.energy.upenn.edu/ University of South Carolina - Columbia, South Carolina
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering
What's Offered: Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (NSF I/UCRC) for Fuel Cells, 571 - Corrosion Engineering, 589 - Special Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering, 700 - Chemical Process Analysis, 710 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 720 - Advanced Fluid Flow Analysis, 722 - Advanced Mass Transfer, 725 - Rheology, 730 - Chemical Reactor Design, 750 - Process Dynamics and Control, 770 - Electrochemical Engineering, 771 - Corrosion Engineering
www.che.sc.edu/centers/PEMFC/index.html University of South Florida - Tampa, Florida
Department: Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)
What's Offered: Research
http://cerc.eng.usf.edu University of Southern Mississippi - Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Department: Dept. of Polymer Science, Mississippi Polymer Inst., College of Science & Technology
What's Offered: Variety of Courses, Research
www.psrc.usm.edu University of St. Thomas - St. Paul, Minnesota
Department: Department of Engineering
What's Offered: Research, ENGR 326/328: Fuel Cell Engineering, ENGR 381: Thermodynamics
www.stthomas.edu/engineering/ University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN
Department: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Department of Chemistry
What's Offered: Research, ChE 548 Advanced Transport Phenomena II, ChE 633 Multiscale Materials Modeling, ChE 652 Sustainable Energy Production
www.che.utk.edu University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
Department: Mechanical Engineering
What's offered: Electrochemical Energy Systems, ME 386Q
www.me.utexas.edu/ University of Toledo - Toledo, Ohio
Department: College of Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.eng.utoledo.edu/main.shtml University of Utah - Salt Lake City, Utah
Department: Materials Science & Engineering
What's Offered: Research
www.mse.utah.edu/ University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Department: Departments of Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering
What's Offered: Research, ME 342 Energy and Environment II, ME 495 Fuel Cell Technology, ChemE 345-Introduction to Fuel Cells, ChemE 445 Fuel Cell Engineering, ChemE 446-Fundamentals of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
http://depts.washington.edu/fuelcell University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin
Department: Department of Chemistry, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Water Chemistry Program
What's Offered: Research
www.wisc.edu Vanderbilt University - Nashville, Tennessee
Department: Department of Chemistry
What's Offered: Research
www.vanderbilt.edu Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, Virginia
Department: GATE Center for Automotive Fuel Cell Systems/Energy Management Institute
What's Offered: Graduate Course Offered, Research, Automotive Fuel Cell Systems Lab, Ware Lab
www.me.vt.edu/research/centers/afcs.html Wayne State University - Detroit, Michigan
Department: College of Engineering
What's Offered: Courses, Master's Degree program in Alternative Energy Technology
www.eng.wayne.edu/coe/main.cfm?location=1505 Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Worcester, Massachusetts
Department: WPI Fuel Cell Center, Chemical Engineering Dept.
What's Offered: Graduate Course: CHE 531, Fuel Cell Technology; Undergraduate Course: CHE 371X, Introduction to Fuel Cells Research