Про новую энергетику, союзы Европы -
- антипитерскогазовые заговорщики.
Энергетика топливных элементов, это
покрепче сланцевого газа будет.
Уважаемые дамы, господа, господин главный стратег, специалисты, шпионы и студенты.
тут 17 страничек текста с Новой Энергостратегией ЕС.
Отвечает за неё
Энергокомиссия ЕС.
Всем нашим специалистам стратегам, газовикам, министрам надо принять это к сведению, чтобы потом не удивляться всяким изменениям в ценах на газ и нефть.
Детали здесь.---
European Commision launches public consultation on the new Energy Strategy for Europe 2011-2020
May 7, 2010
The European Commission has launched early May a public consultation on the future European Energy Strategy to get stakeholders opinions in view of adopting the new strategy in March 2011.
The overall goal of European energy policy is to ensure that consumers and enterprises obtain safe, secure, sustainable and low-carbon energy at affordable and competitive prices. The challenges of global energy security and energy geopolitics, slow progress in combating climate change at the global level, the urge to recover on growth and jobs in the EU and the need to invest in tomorrow's energy networks call for a new Energy Strategy to further deliver on those objectives.
A stock taking document for the future Enegy strategy has been published by the European Commission services and can be read
The consultation is opened until 02 July 2010 and submissions can be sent to
Any comments or questions related to this public consultation & FuelCellEurope position can be sent to the Secretariat (See contact)
FuelCellEurope 44 rue des Palais, Bte 71, 1030 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 211 34 11
© FuelCellEurope 2009