[name] rachelle/reeree
[age] 15... 16 in september
[sex] female.
[dob] september 5
[location] thousand oaks/westlake you decide
[siblings] oh dear. none fully related but i have 2 half brothers, 2 older step brothers, 2 tounger step sisters, 1 younger step brother, and 1 older sister
[flirty] sometimes
[height] 5'4"
[hair color] light brown
[first crush] noah.. haha elementary school [:
[latest crush] :D im sure you all know
[color of your room] blue
[righty or lefty] righty
[hobbies] singing, dancing, shopping, my friends
[sign] virgo
[hair] pretty long and naturally straight, except my bangs...
[eyes] pastel green
[brand name] depends on my mood
[bra size] 34 B [:
[skin color] white.. no no realllllly white
[cuddle or make out] cuddle
[chocolate milk, or hot chocolate] hot chocolate
[mcdonalds or burger king] mcdonalds fries
[coke or pepsi] coke
[root beer or dr. pepper] dr. pepper
[tea/coffee/cappuccino] green tea
[cats or dogs] dogs
[mud or jello wrestling] mud
[milk, dark, or white chocolate] milk
[sunny or rainy] rainy
[vanilla or chocolate] vanilla
[skiing or boarding] i wish i could snowboard
[biking or blading] blading probably
[cereal or toast] cereal
[do you like rock, punk, rap, r & b, alternative, techno, pop, or country] depends on my mood, for the most part rock and alternative
[lights on or off] night light
[My friends] a close few
[Friends that you look like] ... i dont think i have any
[You go to for advice] sarah, caitlin, and jillian
[Who do you tell all your secrets to] most of them to holly, sarah, and jillian
[color] green
[number] 6
[movie] lots
[subject] english and choir
[song] it changes every other week, right now its escapist and honestly
[sport to play] pft
[sport to watch] football and hockey
[favorite drink] arizona iced tea
[truth or dare] truth
[ocean or pool] ocean
[silver or gold] silver
[diamonds or pearls] diamonds.
[sunset or sunrise] sunrise
[showers or bubble baths] bubbley baths
[do you like school] yeah
[do you like to talk on the phone] depends who it is
[do you have your own phone line] i have a cell phone
[can we have your number] 1800nothanks hahahah sarah i love you
[do you like to dance] anytime, anywhere
[do you think cheering is a sport] yeah
[Been kissed] and then some...
[Done drugs] ...yeah
[Watched "Punky Brewster"] nope
[Shampoo] herbal essences
[Toothpaste] i dont know
[soap] dove
[Type of soup] potatoe soup
[Room in your house] mine
[Instrument] i wish i knew how to play piano and acoustic guitar
[Big or little] little
[Lace or satin] satin
[New or old] old
[Jeans or cords] jeans.
[Sweater or sweatshirt] sweater
[T-shirt or tank top] t-shirt
[Skirt or dress] dress
[Wool or cotton] cotton
[Rose or Lily] rose
[The way it is or the way it was] the way it is/was
[Oldies or pop] oldies
[Cried] yes
[Helped someone] id like to think so
[Bought something] yeah
[Gotten sick] no
[Gone to the movies] no
[Gone out for dinner] no
[Said "I love you"] yes
[Written a real letter] no
[Moved on] no
[Written in a journal] yeah
[Had a serious talk] mhmm
[Missed someone] oh dear, yes
[Hugged someone] yes
[Fought with your parents] kinda
[Fought with a friend] no
[If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would be] i want a star on my left wrist or something on my lower back
[What color is your floor/carpet in your room] tan?
[What was the last CD you bought] slef against city
[How did you spend last summer] caitlin, sarah, and summer school
[When's the last time you showered] an hour ago?
[Are you tired] yeah
[Are you lonely] mhmm
[Are you happy] for the most part
[Are you wearing pajamas] yep
[Are you talking to someone online] sadah
[What are the initials of your crush/interest/spouse] b.k. [:
[What is the sign of your crush/interest/spouse] scorpio.. im not a stalker, ive just known him forever
[What time is it] 11:48
[Last Cigarette] 2 months ago?
[Last Alcoholic Drink] 2 months ago?
[Last Car Ride] today
[Last Good Cry] with joey
[Last Library Book checked out] um cyrano?
[Last Movie Seen in Theatres] march of the penguins
[Last Book Read] perks of being a wallflower
[Last Movie Rented] i dont know
[Last Cuss Word Uttered] damn
[Last Beverage Drank] apple cider
[Last Food Consumed] lucky charms
[Last Crush] i think you already asked this
[Last TV Show Watched] simpsons
[Last Shoes Worn] converse
[Last CD Played] cd from warped tour
[Last Item Bought] carmel frappachino
[Last Annoyance] all american rejects being sold out
[Last Soda Drank] i dont drink soda
[Last Thing Written] soda
[Last Key Used] car key
[Last Word Spoken] ha
[Last Sleep] this afternoon
[Last Sexual Fantasy] no sex until marriage
[Last Weird Encounter] warped tour it was like twighlight zone
[Last Ice Cream Eaten] ben & jerrys
[Last Time Hugged] yesterday
[Last Chair Sat In] the one im in now
[Last Shirt Worn] grey wife beater
long i know