to die by your side is such a heavenly way to dieee

Aug 13, 2009 22:55

I really need to write more often. It helps me consolidate my thoughts. I'm pleasantly surprised with how many views my videos are getting though. There are a lot of them though, so I'll post the recent ones on the bottom.

Work's been good. I think I'm pretty acclimated now but I feel like I need to start taking more responsibilities. It's just hard not getting complacent and lazy. Sometimes, I feel like my mind is losing its edge since I'm not at school, like it's on permanent vacation. Maybe I should take a class in something practical like Statistics or something I might need for med school apps, like an English class since I never really took those in Berkeley. I try to keep my mind a little active, with playing Chess on my iPod, Sudoku, reading the New York Times, etc. but it's tricky. I'm scared that after awhile, my head won't remember a lot of things or that it'll take me longer to process things. And by then, it'll be too late for me to do anything more with myself, if I ever figure what I want to do with myself.

I've done a lot of traveling in the past 3 weeks. I went to Berkeley on the last weekend of July, and I was in New York in the 1st week of August. I had a lot of fun hanging out with friends, being touristy, reminiscing old times, catching up with relatives and what not. Hopefully I can make more random trips to Berkeley, or even New York. There's so much in both cities to see and do that I can't possibly do them all in one weekend.

I feel like at this point, I should be researching medical schools, getting professors to give me letters of recommendation (I don't have a lot of prospects for that), and getting to know the whole healthcare debate. As of now, it's hard for me to tell the lies from the truth in the whole debate, the paranoia from reason, from what issues are based on class/race lines. My gut instinct is that even if the system is not perfect, there's plenty of time to fix it and improve it before the debt weighs too much. What I don't like is inaction, of parading other solutions that are clearly not getting any ground. I'm still sketchy about all this increased welfare for drug addicts, homeless people and the elderly but it'd be great if hospitals could better reimbursed for treating them. I don't know. I'll have to learn more before I can make a better stance.

Oh, I recommend watching (500) Days of Summer. It's romantic, refreshing and mature, if one sided. When they started playing the Smiths though, The Perks of Being a Wallflower came into my head. I have a feeling that had I seen this movie 5 years earlier, it would have an effect on me, but I feel more mature now about romance and relationships, so it didn't as much. Still, I recommend seeing it.

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