a new beginning

Sep 01, 2005 10:10

It's been sometime since I wrote anything on here - and I can't make the promise that this entry will be promising - but nonetheless here I sit with time to kill and thoughts on my head.

Life sucks sometimes. It's that simple. There's no disputing it. We've all been through the shit that life has to offer - which, sometimes, just sucks. And sometimes we just say 'fuck it' and move on. Other times we wallow in our sorrows for days, or weeks, or months on end. And it sucks. Very simply - sucks. But we always find the light at the end of that tunnel, like in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", but unlike this allegory, we do not turn back to the dark (or so I hope for most) and continue on towards the light and towards what we may sense as uncomfortability that, over time, becomes comfortability.

I've gone through a lot this summer. A lot of bullshit. A lot of happiness. A lot of changes.

I have created a healthier lifestyle for myself. And I do a lot of artwork for my own love. If I could drop out of this school of liberal arts and transfer to an art school and do art all day long - I would. But apparently I'm supposed to strive to put those initials "M.D." after my name so that one day I can be - Daniel C. Remer, M.D. -- does it even look right to anyone? I don't know anymore - or do I. For those of you who, too, have a passion for art - rock on.

I have more to say but I've decided to travel home for lunch rather than sit at Temple until 2:40 for my next class when it is just 10:00am.

Peace, Love, and Happiness.

---- By the way, to all I know and all who suffer, God says Hello. She loves you.
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