Snow and weight...

Feb 02, 2010 14:28

Well... it snowed.  And this is the third day snow has been on the ground... or the fourth.  I've been going outside at periods of thirty minutes to an hour to get cold... because being cold burns calories.  Not sure how much that works... maybe I am a sucker for punishment.

I was walking around the house.  I got 15 minutes of my hour work out done... then my mom came home.  She doesn't like me walking in circles in the house cause it drives her nuts so I had to stop.  I feel really bad I couldn't finish my work out.

I weighed this morning.  347 pounds.  It was 346... and at max it was about 360.  I am about to start my period so I'm guessing I'll gain water... and I need to remember not to freak out when I get on the scale.  I REALLY hate my period.  A few days before.... I get the munchies and I feel like I constantly eat!!

Anyways... I think my mom will be going out tonight.  If she does I can finish my work out....

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