Four mile walk... and B Vitamins.

Sep 13, 2009 09:46

I walked 4 miles the other day... after a 30 minute jog I had done earlier that day...  D:  I went on a park path... which is 2 miles... but when my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go again... I had my MP3 player on... and I couldn't tell what was the entrance from all the trees... and I ended up walking 2 more miles... much to my dismise.  I hurt so bad... I haven't worked out in 2 days.  O_O;  Ow...

Being Vegetarian means.... also getting vitamins.  I took some B vite pills... my migranes and moodiness went away... and the bottle said it helps a "healthy response to stress".  D:  I think I've been lacking B's for 5 years... no wonder I always felt ill...  plus the doc kept upping my antidepressants.... I think possibly... some of the depression was linked to lack of B vites.

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