AWARDS; January 2008 - ??

Feb 21, 2008 12:31

Starting a new post for awards! Starting January 2008, going until ???

First Place: 01
Second Place: 02
Third Place: 01
Mod's Choice: 04
Special Category: -
Total: 08

at je_awards:

won Mod's Choice Week 20


at jmusic_abc:

won First Place Week 45 - Letter Q

won Mod's Choice Week 49 - Letter U


at psc_stillness:

won Second Place Week 51

won Third Place Week 52

won Mod's Choice Week 59

won Second Place Week 64

won Mod's Choice Week 64

Feel free to use any of these icons. Just click the place the icon came in and that'll usually bring you to the icon. If not, ask.

Credit would be nice. But I'm not a credit!nazi or anything.

Enjoy. :)

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