Mar 25, 2009 21:59
kinda bumbed, sophie, ashley, and maddie have all backed out of going to con this year *pouts* so bev, tabi, and I are on the hunt for new con buddies, if only to help with the expenses. even if we can't find anyone else to come with us, the three of us are still going and we will have fun! so spring break starts today, sorta. technically I have class on friday, but I'm ditching. And I still have to work and tutor next week, but I get off of school, and the week after, when I'm bacl in school, work and the school I tutor at will be closed for there spring break, so I get two weeks of half spring breaks instead of one week with the whole time off.
in other news, had a geography midterm today, no idea how I did, could be anywhere from an A to a C, I didn't study as much as I should have... I also studied late into tuseday night, after spending tuseday morning checking up on the badge pick up proceedure for fanime. the combination of these two things lead to the weirdest dream... I was in a library, looking up places to eat at con, while we were at con and stressing because I needed to be studying for my geography midterm that was in a few hours. I talked to michelle for a bit, she was at the con too and told me we should go have curry, because it was yummy. then bev came up to us and told me we didn't have time to go find food because I had to be at my midterm in half an hour, and we'd better just go back to the hotel room and eat the nectarines and bagles we'd brought. I asked her if we'd really brought that, all suprised, and bev said "yeah, don't you remember?" and I said "no, because I have my midterm this morning, this is just a dream and con is still two months away, this hasen't actually happened yet." I rearly realize that I'm dreaming, so this was really weird for me...
in other news, we moved the chinchilla cage to the front room, we're going to try keeping it in there for a couple weeks to see if they will stop fur slipping in the quieter room. I think they might be fur slipping becuase we play the TV too loud and it scares them. if they don't show any improvement in a couple weeks we'll probably move them back and I'll take them to a vet to see what's wrong, I'm hoping it was just the noise level. anyway, I guess that's it for now. 'night.