HELLO! Yes, I'm alive!
I'm so sorry, darlings. I'm rubbish. Basically there was a great deal of hectic movement - I went to stay with grandparents and also up to Scotland with the lovely, wonderful and amazing
tierfal and
eltea (!) - with a few dashes of bad relapses thrown in. However, I hope to be here pretty regularly again now.
The only thing that can stop me is Final Fantasy XII.
Oh, yes. That was a terrible purchase. The game itself is fantastic and I love it, but it is also highly addicting.
Seeing my grandparents went well, and I got to go to a Royal Photography Society lecture and demo. It was fantastic, actually - I wish I could travel so extensively to capture fantastic image. Although, looking at their work, and then looking at some of my better shots... I've always stuck to my guns about my being an amateur and not that good, but I could put some of my better stuff up with some of theirs and not feel ashamed of myself! Seriously, when I realised that it was all I could do not to start up a victory dance in my chair. XD
Scotland and York with two of my favourite Americans... Was brilliant. We went to Edinburgh Castle and wandered around and ate good food... I have photos, which I'll post soon. I adored it, though. It was so awesome to give them hugs in RL!
There have been more arguments and discussions with my parents, plus Victoria's gone on holiday for a week with her boyfriend so there's no buffer. It's been decided that I'll go back to the doctor and talk about seeing a psychiatrist as well as continuing the councelling work with Paul, and that I'm not going to get a full-time job. I'm going to get a part-time one instead to make sure I can cope and all that (I could, I think, but I'm seriously too tired of arguing. They're changing their minds about what I should be doing every 5 minutes). Ah! Yes. That does indeed mean I'm still job-hunting. I guess I just need to keep it up and all that. I'll find something. If I don't have a job in 2 weeks I'm going to get on and start volunteering just locally in Pudsey.
So, sweethearts, I'm getting back on track! I'm going to be catching up with everyone on here over the next couple of days. I hope you're all ok... I'm so sorry for missing so much. If it helps, I have been thinking of you all and wondering how you're doing - and missing you a HECK of a lot. But we know how terrible I am during a relapse, and I really hate just ranting to you.
Best wishes and much love, lovely people. I hope life's been treating you well...