'Allo? Yes, I do indeed still live...

Oct 07, 2009 18:17

I'M SORRY! I'm useless, I'm really sorry - I meant to post the next day and I couldn't, then there has been just SO MUCH work to do for this course and my room and various financial things (that, incidentally, are driving me EFFING MENTAL) that I haven't had chance, and I'm so sorry! *sobs* I didn't mean to be so useless!

I've already started catching up on the lives of my lovely flist, and as usual it's brought ever such a smile to my face. I'VE MISSED YOU ALL! EVER SUCH A LOT! I'm glad you all (thus far, at least) seem well and happy. Really truly. It always makes me happy to know that you guys are, cheesy and cliche as that sounds. *laughs*

The course is still amazing and wonderful. I've been really busy though - I have to produce and deliver a seminar on photojournlism (thankfully only to 20 people rather than the full 85) so that's taking up a fair bit of my life right now. We did location art last week, and we have a trip to Liverpool on Friday... The next person I hear say that art is an easy, useless subject is going to have a VERY sore ear (and potentially jaw) by the time I'm done. REALLY not as easy as the cliche. If anything that makes me love it more though! *giggles* Daft, huh?

I've moved back into my old bedroom, now that Tori's gone to Edinburgh. It took AGES just to move my clothes in. And don't get me started on my books. I have too much manga. It's not all going to fit! *shock and horror right HERE*

My medication's screwing me over a bit. I don't like the increased dose, but I've run out for a couple of days and I can freely admit that it's necessary. Although - and this is really sick and stupid - sometimes I almost don't want to feel better. I don't know how to function, and it makes me feel like I have to be all bright and sunny and cheerful and friendly, and that just isn't me. I've been depressed since I was 12, although I didn't know it at the time. Yes, that did mean that I was more insular and more of a loner than I would've been otherwise, but I feel like that's me anyway. Trying to be outgoing all the time is driving me mad. So, I'm not going to. I want to get better, but I also want to be ME. One of my art tutors caught me at a weak moment and we talked about it a little. I feel better about it now - she told me that it was ok to be like that, and was very understanding. Even yesterday, she picked up on my pills making me tired and gave me just an extra sentence about what I was doing to encourage me.

My tutors are AMAZING, WONDERFUL PEOPLE. Really. I'd stick with the course solely to be around them, if it came down to it.

Money's becoming a problem. Namely because I have none. Ehh. Mum and Dad are being lovely about it, and I'm trying to get some of the Support Allowance I'm due. They don't make it easy, but I think I'm finally getting somewhere with them. Huzzah!

I'm on a massive X-Men kick. I can't help it. Oh, and I found a comic called "Madame Mirage", which is fantastic. You may snigger at my geekery, but I love it. XD

Oh, heck. This isn't half turning into a massive ramble... I'll stop now. I'm not going to say that I'll post tomorrow, because I simply won't have chance, but my aim is to post and catch up with my lovely flist at least once a week - preferably ever 3 or 4 days if I can. I really miss you guys when I end up being offline for longer, silly as you may think that is. You're my friends, and I love you all very much.


art, pills, depression, apology, life, flist, rambling, college

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