It's Finally Coming Together

May 28, 2009 20:48

Back 10 years ago, fans of Evangelion could only dream of having a live action movie. In 2003, ADV announced their intention of making such a thing happen. Here comes 2009 and nothing has come of that yet. However recently, people have began talking a lot more about it and it sounds like production could very well start in the near future. However it is rumored that it will probably be an all-European cast.

Also recently, Yahoo Japan decided to make a fan poll of who fans would like to see for the different characters. The results?
Ayanami Rei: Horikita Maki
Ikari Shinji: Kamiki Ryunosuke
Asuka Langley Soryu: Toda Erika
Ikari Gendou: Abe Hiroshi
Akagi Ritsuko: Matsuyuki Yasuko
Katsuragi Misato: Matsushima Nanako

For those who are into the j-media, these are pretty big names and all of them are excellent choices. Okay okay... I'm really darn tired of Horikita Maki. Though I think she'd be an okay Rei, I think I would rather someone else. But really though, this would be a dream cast. Not only do these actors resemble the anime characters, these actors also have the attitudes to match. I've read that Yahoo Japan will be doing some promo thing and possibly with these actors if possible but then I've also read from places that they are possibly doing their own version of a live action movie. Sorry, ADV but if this happens, I'd choose this version over an all-European cast any day. at least ADV has said that they wanted to make it true to storyline and not rush things (so if this actually happens, we'll probably see a trilogy).
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