Five Days... Anime Central!

May 01, 2009 21:18

With 5 days left (Saturday through Wednesday), I'm really scrambling to finish things up for cosplay. I'm uber excited about getting this outfit done. Yeah like you guys know, I've started quite a few outfits but this is the only one I actually have the motivation to get done. And yeah... less than a handful of people even know what it is XD secret!! Anyways, with 5 days to go, here's the list of things that still need done. This is more for myself than anything... checklist!

Boots... whole thing still needs to be constructed and design needs painted. new zipper needs put in.
Front skirt needs to be painted with design
Back pouch thing... needs constructed
Details on front shirt needs done
Re-crop the shirt
Tie needs to be made and design painted on

I think everything is pretty minor except for the boots. I accidentally broke the zipper to one of the boots yesterday _o_ so I went to Joann's today... only to forget buying the zipper!! >_< lol so I gotta go back tomorrow for it. Unfortunately it isn't just a plain pair of boots... it has three different pieces to it >_< I'll be so happy if I'm just left with painting designs on when I get to the hotel on Thursday. It'd be a miracle to get everything done before the con... but it IS possible I guess.

As much as I talk about cosplay these days, it isn't a hobby I take too seriously like subbing. I did cosplay between 2001 - 2003 but then haven't done anything until last year really but with only Prince of Tennis cosplays. I don't think it's a hobby I can handle all the time since it is just as time consuming as subbing and obviously I can't hold a salary job and tackle two equally time consuming hobbies at once. Pretty much I think I would only make an outfit if I'm absolutely in love with it. It takes a long time to make and it costs a crap load of money.
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