Otakon 2009!!

Mar 10, 2009 22:00

Been trying to plan my trip with lady_mercury  and finally got my flight stuff taken care of:
July 17th: Depart Columbus (CMH) at 9:30 AM
Arrive in Baltimore (BWI) at 10:40 AM

July 19th: Depart Baltimore (BWI) at 4:30 PM
Arrive in Columbus (CMH) at 5:45 PM

We pretty much scheduled our trips together so we can go to and from the airport together XD I'll definitely pre-reg later though @_@ spent so much money already these days. Hopefully they'll have a good lineup of guests this year.

Maybe I'll start going to this one from now on... it's one of the only cons where the majority of my friends don't go to and I get a chance to just hang around with people i don't usually see. It's something refreshing (though I wouldn't miss Anime Central for the world). This is usually the only trip I plan alone. Most people are not interested in this convention but for those who who may be attending or is thinking of attending, if you need a room, message me. I might have something for ya.

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