Feb 19, 2009 21:57
I just realized today that there's only 2 days left until the release of the next Tenimyu dvd (yeah, it's surprising that this one and the last one is getting released so close together). I'm looking forward to it. It should be 4th gen vs. Hyoutei again but the Tokyo version with Kato Kazuki. Also included should be the other dvd which is 5th gen vs. Hyoutei (totally NOT a fan of 5th gen at all so I see it as a collector's item._ Animate opened up pre-orders for 4th gen vs. Shitenhouji for an April release...? but not yet for the 5th gen vs Shitenhouji dvd O.o Okay... after getting wallet-raped by JE, I'm now getting it from MMV Entertainment with their crazy tenimyu dvd releases. It used to be one dvd release every half year or year and a half at most. Now it's like every few months. And unfortunately (and hard to say now) JE is actually CHEAPER _o_ These dvds are 9200 yen each and is only exclusive through Animate. So... you absolutely have to go through a 3rd party site or find someone nice enough to buy it for you in Japan. So yeah I do know a couple of online communities that would order it for you... however how trustworthy are they? Can I really just fork over about $200 to them and know I will get what I paid for? I went through Rinkya last time and Laurel was just totally amazing. She personally emailed me back and forth to let me know what's going on every step of the way and made sure I got my bonus dvd and the correct shipping. So yeah going through Rinkya is a tad more expensive, I can at least know my order is in good hands and that it will get to me without a problem. I better start saving up now -_- rawr. At least I can still find some cool deals from time to time on used tenimyu dvds which are still in excellent condition ^.~