Jan 21, 2009 18:37
Work has been nothing but shitacular. More so this week than others. Sunday... worked 11 1/2 hours nonstop. Monday... worked 12 hours nonstop. Today I worked 10 hours nonstop. Crap happens -_- I was gonna watch the inauguration but ya know what, crap hit the fan and I had to go into work early and missed the whole darn thing.
On the good side of things, I scored myself used copies of two tenimyu dvds - yamabuki and side fudomine (which is my favorite rival team) - for $50 each. I'm down with that. Usually fans take good care of their things. Plus these are both first press editions with all the goodies which makes it even more special. There was one girl wanting to sell her used side fudomine and I offered her $50 and she wanted $80 for a used _o_ I say when things are used, there should be at least a 35-50% reduction in price. The item has been opened and used... so anyway I passed that up. Good thing I did because I scored a deal on this. So now I'm still missing...
Prince of Tennis
Remarkable 1st Match Fudomine
Dream Live 1st
More Than Limit St. Rudolph Gakuen
Dream Live 2nd
Imperial Match Hyotei
Imperial Match Hyotei in Winter
Dream Live 3rd
So I'm still missing like half of the dvds... but I'm being patient and waiting out some good deals. Sure I can just buy new straight through Rinkya but might as well scope out a deal if I can.
I pre-ordered the Tenimyu Best Actors complete cd boxset... with shipping... $300. *hinthint* P-chan LOVES CDJapan gift certificates *hinthint*
I've had absolutely no time to prepare for Ohayocon. So much for any new cosplay outfits for this convention. Just probably wear my Queen outfit again from Youmacon and maybe walk around with the Seigaku uniform and say I'm Fuji XDDD