Sep 02, 2008 21:06
It would've been nice if that package came today... T_T I woke up today and the first thing I encountered this morning was Eddie's message reminding that there was no mail on Labor Day XD lol What a way to wake up. I worked straight through the holiday weekend like they were normal days. Woke up today and went in to work to help Brian with opening the office. Was done by 7:30, went shopping, and then got stopped by one of the managers asking me if I could show her how to do something. I didn't get out of there until just shy of 8am. Came back home, ate my bagel, and went back to sleep. Was woken up by Brenda's phone call around noon _o_
Watched Tadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata episode 12 since it was just released today. I'm gonna miss that show. It's just a cute and fun show to watch. It doesn't have as much substance as the usual dramas but this one had a lot of cool characters in it. Re-watched parts of Higamyu while waiting for that darn package that never came. Talked to Jonnie for a little bit until he total decided to diss me XD Then started on Gokusen 3 since a few tenimyu actors are also in it. I never finished Gokusen 2 because it just didn't keep my interest at all... even with Jin and Kame in it. But this one is fairing pretty good for me even though I'm not a huge fan of any of the actors. One would think I would enjoy Gokusen 2 a whole lot more with the KAT-TUN boys but nah.
I didn't do much of anything today but I'm more tired than usual... even with that early morning nap after work _o_ time for bed...
actor/music: akanishi jin,
drama: tadashii ouji no tsukurikata,
life: new toys,
actor/music: kamenashi kazuya,
drama: gokusen 3