Busy Busy Day

Aug 04, 2008 05:03

So my dad is coming into town today since he has work down here in Columbus. REALLY bad time to be visiting my place XD Not only is my cosplay stuff EVERYWHERE because I'm getting ready for my convention which is this weekend, I'm pretty much gutting my entire living room to make way for... new furniture *_* Yeah... I know Eddie is probably like, "my gawd FINALLY!" XD I've been saving up little by little. After the con, I'll be spending quite a lot of money on stuff that I can actually use XD ...not that I can't use my CDs and stuff... right now they're more of a problem since I have no place to put them.

But yeah... waking up and looking around this place... looks like a tornado hit it like ten times over. Worse than it ever has been... worse than pre-ACen with my cosplay stuff XD Now not only am I re-working my ACen Mele cosplay, I have Prince of Tennis cosplay stuff everywhere too _o_ I don't even know why the heck I got back into doing this cosplay stuff. Creates a huuuuge mess.

I haven't blogged about it yet because I keep on forgetting to... but the Cowon A3 has already arrived XD So it's a little heavy but let's not concentrate so much on it's physical features. The picture quality is so nice ^o^ The sound is obviously very very nice. I love how I can just drag and drop all sorts of different files without having to worry about playback because this sucker can play like everything under the sun. Tonight or tomorrow, whenever I have some free time, I'll try to plop a dvd onto there. It said it can take vob files so I don't even have to convert anything. Total WIN.

Anyway I better get ready for work and get out of here. Got a long day ahead of me. Doubt I'll have any time to blog later so I'm doing it now.

life: work, convention: otakon 08, life: new toys, cosplay: pot

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