
Aug 12, 2007 14:04

so, every summer, i wind up switching at least one of my classes right before classes start. this year, it's likely going to be my shakespeare class. it's required, but it's offered both semesters, so i could easily take it in the spring. i've heard that the professor is really boring and ridiculously difficult (i mean, it's SHAKESPEARE. every english major has a good degree of familiarity with the man. how could a professor make that hard?). anyway, i've gotten myself into the PSC "advanced" class, which i've heard is one of the cooler classes offered by the department (you go out in the field and help out with campaigns and learn in depth stuff about the presidential race. it's a poli sci major's paradise). i thought that i might be able to count it as an honors class, since it's one of the only 400-level PSC classes offered, it's only offered through instructor's approval, and the only honors class i'm missing is a sophomore level social science. additionally, as a social science major, i feel like the honors social sciences are a serious waste of time. i took my junior/senior social science requirement, and it was pretty much a rehash of other PSC classes i've taken. additionally, the only social science that would could as a major elective is the Presidency class in the spring. i haven't been able to take this class in the past, since it ALWAYS conflicts with something. plus, the advanced class is on the presidency anyway, so it really should count.

i emailed the head of the honors program about all this, and he basically shut me down and tried to get me to take a senior level honors seminar with galie (who is a HORRIBLE grader and who i've taken three times already) about "left, right, and center politics." OMG. no! it's stupid for me to take that class, since i've been learning about political parties since i came to college. plus, even though i know a lot about the subject, with the way galie grades, i'd take a hit to my GPA (like i have EVERY TIME i've taken him). he said that he'd think about it, but i'm pretty sure that it's a no.

i have two other options:
1. keep the shakespeare, drop the advanced class, and take the sophomore level honors second semester.

2. keep the advanced, take shakespeare and the presidency class in the spring, and drop con law from my planned schedule for spring (this is NOT what i want to do AT ALL, since i think con law is super important).

either way, i'm not going to like what i have to do, unless dierenfield takes pity on me and lets me count the advanced class as an honors. Lord, help me.
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