Jun 26, 2010 01:57
My dad finally figured out how to fix my Audacity issues. Turns out something in the top bar was locked, for some strange reason. So now everything is all fixed. YAY!
So I can FINALLY work on the more complex projects I've done vocals for. Like Shiawase no Iro. :D
I've been mixing quite a bit today, and since there's this one ugly part in Euphoric Field, I'm not quite sure if I should just scrap it or not. I kind of want to, since I didn't annunciate enough while I was recording. SIGH.
And as for the (not-so-secret) Takarazuka project I've been working on, now that Audacity is finally working properly, I should be uploading it on Youtube sometime soon! Preferably within the week, if my best friend's PSP doesn't get in the way first. ^_~
Oh right, my friend's PSP. Y'see, my friend is embarking upon a journey to "better himself", or something. Basically, to become more buff than his cousins and to become a better person (more smart, more empathetic, etc.). I find it interesting of course, but I don't understand his logic in his lending me his PSP during this time. Odd, I know.
But really, a person who is being offered a PSP with Katamari, Taiko, Dissidia, Gundam AND Project Diva for what could be the whole summer REALLY SHOULDN'T be complaining or questioning things a whole lot. Hehe~
Wow, it really is late. O_O But I don't feel tired, oddly enough. Aah, but I want to wake up at a reasonable hour tomorrow, so...
real life,
video games