Aug 05, 2004 22:09
what's it with these old school kids being so arrogant they think they run things, telling people what they should listen to, hyping up bands that haven't even practiced or have members that never played an instrument until a year ago but still think they're the shit, everyone has to bow down for them and tell them how great they are. as soon as you give some criticism or tell them what you think about them and their attitude you're immediately categorized as being jealous, not knowing what's up with hardcore and not even being hardcore yourself.
here's a newsflash kiddo's. i've been into the hardcore scene for about 15 years now. i've toured all over the world, slept on floors or in vans, drove 2000 km in a day to go play for 40 kids, recorded cd's, had a zine, did some freelance work for labels, helped out other bands as a roadie, tourmanager, tried to help them get shows, interviews, reviews, helped them distribute their cd's, still show my support by going to shows almost every weekend, sometimes up to 3 times a week at age 30 with a full time job, my own house and a social life i got to take care of. so you can call me anything but don't tell me i ain't hardcore. i still wanna see you do all that when you're my age. you'll prolly be washed up, married with kids and have a nice little life outside of this scene going to work everyday and spending your evenings in front of your tv. how interesting that will be. you were just in here for the ride, you were never tough enough to sit it out like the man you pretend to be. go fuck a horse and lose the attitude cos you're just a little bitch thinking he's a real man. go back to your record collection and your inbred hillbilly friends, spend more time on ebay than in the real world and pretend you're hardcore. you'll be gone in 5 years anyway.
there, that was my rant for the day. 18 year old kids thinking they run the scene make me laugh. good night.