Oct 24, 2011 22:11
So last week I just got confirmation from work about my hours next year. That means I am going to college full time in Spring 2012. While a part of me is really happy that I am going to college in the spring, another part of me is scared.
Right now I am taking two courses, Pre-Calculus and Sociology. The only reason I have to take Pre-Calculus is because I wasn't allowed to take Calculus due to some credit mix up (I have the credit but not the class). So right now I have class on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I've also joined University of Maryland's Satanic Mechanics which is great and meets on Monday and Wednesday (I have to skip Monday's meeting so I can go to class). Until this Saturday I started to worry about Spring 2012.
If taking the classes will only be a waste of time and I'll start to fail again like I did in the past. I've noticed that night courses are easier then normal day courses at college. Because I've noticed that most people in the classes (including the teacher) have full time day jobs. The homework and tests they give are in fact a bit easier then normal. I do have a plan however. I'm allowed to take off every Tuesday and Thursday for classes. I take three courses on Tuesday and Thursday and one course on Saturday. This would give me the credits to count me as full time in college. On the Tuesday and Thursday classes I would do my homework that day (most likely in the Anime Club) so I will not have any on my off days when I'm working. This would allow me to work on my Saturday homework during the week. Hopefully I can maintain a full college and part time work. I am hoping that I will finish all my classes by 2013 so I can transfer to University of Maryland. To pay for this I am taking out college loans and my father has said he will pay for half of my college classes.
Now I was worried about going to school since I will be doing a ton of work. The reason is because my Sociology teacher, he is a real teacher and is really tough on students. He wants all grammar and spelling correct and as you've noticed already in my blog that I'm really poor at grammar and spelling. It's a long story as to why I am really bad. Now, I had 5 papers to do for an exam. 5 subjects, each 200 words long and had to be done in a week. So I worked on it and worked and got a B+. Not bad I thought then I was worried as we had an exam by hand, same type. Now I was worried to death since I am really bad at getting my point across and that I skip around on a paper. However, just this Saturday I got a B on it. So now I'm not as worried before. If I can get a B out of this class then I know I am ready to go back to school.
So yep, I'm going back to college this Spring to finish up Anne Arundel Community College and transfer to University of Maryland by 2013. I know I can do it this time and will.
PS: I will be posting my con reports from Dragon*Con and Otakon from this past summer in a couple of days. I've been so busy I haven't had time to really do anything.