May 04, 2011 00:11
For a while now, I have been hanging out with my friend/cousin Keeley a lot. We've been seeing each other about once a week or more sometimes in fact. Lately we've been hanging around University of Maryland, College Park at night. Last night, we were there again and we got to talking.
I've been going to a lot more things now a days. During St. Patrick's Day I went drinking and got really drunk, I don't think I've been that drunk. Things like this I didn't do in my early twenties. I was too busy trying to find a job and working in college at night that I couldn't hang out with friends and do this type of stuff. I didn't do anything for the past 8 years. I didn't go to parties, I didn't hang out with friends much (part of it was cause they weren't around much) and I didn't even date during that time. Though, now I feel like how I should have felt then. It might also be because of my small social problems.
As I said before, my social skills are lacking a bit, I get a long with people who are a lot younger then me. It is mostly because growing up I had problems talking normally. It didn't get normal till Middle School and even going into High School it was still far behind. I'm about 4 years behind in my social skills. Which hurt me growing up and into college I felt how lacking my skills were.
Anyway, enough of that. Talking to Keeley, we are going to start walking in College Park at least once a week and I mean really walk (we were doing nothing but walking for almost 3 hours in College Park, a lot of it at University of Maryland). Originally we were going to run in DC every weekend but my back problems seem to have start returning so I'm putting that on hold till I go back to the doctor which happens tomorrow and see what I can and can't do. He told me before that I shouldn't run when the problem starts up so I'm just being careful. I still have the dislocated disk in my spine, I can't fix that without surgery but I can do other stuff to get rid of the pain. Which worked for about a year. It just started to hurt so I'm getting it checked out before it starts to cause my pain like it did before.
It seems this summer I'm going to be really busy. When Summer officially starts I'll be gone in Florida. I'll be in Disney World for about 2 weeks till July. After Disney World with the family, the next event is Otakon 2011. I already have my hotel room with my sister at the Days Inn and it seems I might have Keeley and a friend of hers with us but we aren't sure yet. After Otakon it will be DragonCon in Atlanta, GA with Keeley and friends for 4 days. A huge geek fest. When I heard Christopher Lloyd was coming to the con I said, "Yep, I'm going." However, my sister isn't going with me for this con so it will be one of the few times and I will have a hotel room. I feel I can really unwind and do stuff that I couldn't before. Even go to the rave, I've only been to one rave before in my life back in High School so it will be... fun, yeah, fun.
Anyway, hope everything goes well with the doctor tomorrow and hopefully go see Rocky Horror Picture Show at the University of Maryland this Saturday. Then go to a friends house watching Doctor Who all night with drinking Sonic Screwdrivers. Oh yeah.
I recently got into Doctor Who a few weeks ago. I was bored one weekend and watched the 5th season of the new series on Comcast. It was so great I felt that I kept watching it all weekend. When the 6th Season came on I started to watch that. Just last night I got the first season on DVD and started to watch it tonight. It's a bit different due to the Doctor who is playing him in the first season, which is the 9th Doctor since they have had 11 different people play him but are all the same person but all the people who played him are written in the story too. The 5th and 6th Season is the newest Doctor, the 11th Doctor. I'm really enjoying the series and I'm going to pick up the classic series soon and Season 2 when I'm finished with Season 1.
Damn, I seem to have wrote a lot, so I'll just leave it as that. I still have a few things to do and there is something I need to tell someone. So for tonight, lets just leave it as that.